Chapter 30

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Paul picked her up, and carried her back to his bed. She had been a great shag the night before,  despite the fact that she had been drunk.

  He had met her at a pub, and over a few drinks he discovered that he liked her, so he took her back to his place, and they had a few more drinks, then he took her up to his room, and he introduced her to his little friend, who wasn't so little.

  They went at it like two animals that couldn't get enough of each other. Then they fell asleep, and he awoke to this mess that now lay before him.

  She was as much of a beauty in the morning light, as she was last night, but how did she get this gown on? She was naked when they fell asleep..

   He looked down at her, and a thought crossed his mind..... Nahh... better not. She might freak out or something...

  He covered her up, and wondered out into the hall..

  What was she on about?? Something about children! No, he had no children. Not that he didn't want children one day, just not any time soon.

     Sarah lay there for a while, then came back around, and opened her eyes.
  "Where, or when am I?" She whispered, as she tried to clear her head. Someone, somewhere was playing a very mean trick on her.

Tears started stinging her eyes, as she silently cried....

"Someone help me, oh please help me!"

Someone had heard her. Although she was galaxies away, she still kept tags on Paul and Sarah.

She decided to try and figure this out, and try to help poor Sarah..

The rip was all over the place, from one end of the globe to the other

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The rip was all over the place, from one end of the globe to the other.

Now that she had found it, she had to fix it, but how? She had fixed small rips before, but nothing like this.

She imagined misplaced people all over the world, and upon further checking, found that she was right. There were at least one hundred people who were not where they were supposed to be.

  She needed help, but who?!

  07700 900461

That was his number, after calling she sat back and waited....

  A familiar noise filled the room..

A few minutes later he stepped out, as gorgeous as ever, with his converse shoes, trousers and long brown overcoat.

As soon as she saw him her heart almost turned to jelly, at that brilliant smile, and those eyes, they could look right through you, and could see your past, present, and future all in an instant.

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