Chapter 34

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It's been said by many parents that they blinked, and suddenly their kids were grown.

Well, that's exactly what happened with Paul and Sarah. Suddenly Ian, Emma, and Mary were grown, even having children of their own, making Paul and Sarah grandparents.

Emma, much to Paul's delight, went into the music business. She enjoyed playing on her father's songs, even in concert.

At one of those concerts she met a man that she thought was cute. He asked her out, and she accepted.

They dated for about six months, then he asked her to marry him. She said yes. They had three children.

As her family grew, she had to opt out of her father's band. Paul understood. Sarah stepped back in, as years before she had to step out of his band, because touring, and raising their children became too much for her. Now that they were all grown, she had a lot more time on her hands.

Ian went to culinary school, and eventually opened a vegetarian restaurant in London, called McCartney's. He ended up marrying one of his customers, that he met, and fell in love with. They had two children.

Mary was daddy's little girl. As a child she loved to climb up into his lap, as Paul read her story after story.

She grew up to be a school teacher. Now she was the one reading story after story to her students.

She fell in love with one of her fellow teachers, who was equally as in love with her. They dated for a year, then got married, and had three children.

This meant that Paul and Sarah now had eight grandchildren, who all, at one time or another loved to climb up in grandpa's lap, as he read to them.

They loved their grandma too, who spoiled them with chocolate chip cookies whenever they visited.

So many years had gone by, and Paul and Sarah were still madly in love with each other.

Paul still couldn't keep his hands off of her, nor she him. Now that the house was empty, except for them, they could play any time they wanted to, and as Paul liked to tell her...

"You can scream my name as loud as you want to!"

In this reality, Paul's former band mate, and best friend, whom Paul had in later years started talking to him again, almost had a fatal end to his life.

He had been recording, and was about to take a short walk back home, but a certain blue lady stopped him.

John walked out of the studio, followed by Yoko, who had to stop to use the loo, and this hooded blue lady walked up to him.

"John, don't walk, call a cab.."
"'s just a short walk, and who are you anyway?!"
"Who I am is not important. What is important is saving your life. Someone is waiting for you. You will die if you don't heed my warning."

John turned around, and told Yoko, they needed to call a cab. He turned back around, and the blue lady had vanished.

A week later, sitting in Paul's livingroom, John recounted the story. Paul nodded, and smiled. He knew full well who she was, and was thankful that she had saved his life.

In a different reality things had not worked out so well, as another Paul had cried on his wife, Linda's shoulder.

In this reality Paul and Sarah had a long life, living till they were both old and grey.

Their's was a love story for the ages, and as true as it could be. Many times he had had opportunity to cheat, when he had been on tour, and Sarah was at home.

He turned each and every one of them down flat. Why would he cheat, and have a night of mindless sex, when Heaven had sent him such an angel, who was faithfully waiting for him at home.


Paul and Sarah lay in bed, after making love, with Sarah resting her head on his chest, and Paul with both arms around her.

Suddenly she sighed...

"Why did you sigh darling?"
"I was just thinking..."
"About what?"
"When we met, you know, when we ran into each other...None of this would ever had happened if we had not been walking down that particular street, at that time of day."
"I'm so glad we did, cause I would have missed spending my life with the most beautiful woman in the world." Paul said, as he kissed the top of her head.
"And I would have missed spending my life with the most gorgeous man in the world." Paul smiled at her remark.

"Yes baby..."
"Make love to me again..."
"It'll be my pleasure.." he said as he rolled her over onto her back.

And so the two lovers made love once more, as they had so many years before, and would do for the rest of their lives.

And so the two lovers made love once more, as they had so many years before, and would do for the rest of their lives

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The End

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