Chapter 33

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Nine months to the very day Mary Elizabeth McCartney was born, Conceived in love, as were her brother and sister.

  Sarah held her in her arms, as Emma sat on one side of the bed, Ian on the other, and Paul leaning in, with his arm across her shoulders, one hand resting on baby Mary.

  "She's so tiny!" They said in unison. Their mother nodded, and smiled.
"Were we that small when we were born, mummy?" Ian asked.
"Yes sweetheart, you were."
"You know we were, Ian, don't be daft!" Emma said.
"Oh shut up Emma, I wasn't talking to you!"
"Alright, that's enough you two!" Paul said, ending the argument.

   Emma and Ian were thrilled, and absolutely smitten with this tiny little girl, if not terribly thrilled with each other at the moment.
"Can we hold her Mummy?"
"Umm...not right now Emma, but, I promise I'll let both of you hold her when we get home." Emma nodded, satisfied at her mother's promise.

"You really are the most beautiful mummy up here luv.." Paul said as he kissed Sarah.
"Eww...can you not do that in front of us?!" Emma exclaimed.
"What, this?" Paul asked, as he kissed his wife again.
"Yes that!"
Paul chuckled, and kissed her again.

"I think I need to get these two home darlin."
"Ok, I think they are going to release me tomorrow."
"Good, I can't wait to get my beautiful wife back home!"
"I can't wait to be at home, being held in your strong arms, my gorgeous husband.."
"Yuck! Get a room you two!" Emma said, then jumped down.

Paul and Sarah had to laugh.

"You know, one day, both of you will have sweethearts, and you'll talk like just like this." Laughed Paul.
"No I won't!" Ian said, as he jumped down as well.

Paul sighed, and kissed Sarah once more. "Yeah, I think it's time to go. I'll see you in the morning, right after I take these two to school."
"Ok Paulie..."
"You know what it does to me when you say that!"
"Yeah, I know! I also know that it's gonna be a while.... if you know what I mean!"
"Yeah, I know, what is it, like six weeks?"
"Something like that.."
"Alright, I'll see you in the morning baby."
"Ok, I love you Paulie.."
"I love you too beautiful."
"Ewww....!!" Went Emma on the other side of the room.
With that Paul straightened up, and motioned for the kids to follow him.
"Alright, let's go you two."
"Daddy, I'm hungry!" Emma said.
"Me too!" Ian chimed in.
"I'll fix you some dinner when we get home."
"Can we eat out?"
"Well, can we get a pepsi?"
"We'll see.."
"Perhaps a snack.." added Ian.

Sarah heard both children moan, as Paul closed the door.

She sighed, looks like it's just you and me." She said as she kissed her new daughter's forehead.


The next morning, bright and early, Paul walked into her room.

"So, how did it go last night?"
"It went well, after we got home, I cooked some dinner, and got them to bed, and fell into our bed all alone. I cannot tell you how glad I am to take you home!" Sarah laughed.
" miss me?"
"Terribly, and Emma and Ian were a hand full last night!"
"Gave you a hard time did they?"
"Slightly, I guess it's a phase they're going through, or something...but all they do is whine.. and argue with each other."
"How did you handle it?"
"I made them hug each other." Sarah threw her head back and laughed.
"That's one way to do it!"


A short time later all paperwork was done, and Sarah and baby Mary were released into Paul's care.

  He was happy when he got Sarah and the new baby in the car, and even happier to get them home.

He helped her in, and brought all her stuff in, as well as the baby's.

"Alright luv, you are hereby ordered to lay down."
"I need to feed Mary."
"No problem, let me help you.."With a twinkle in his eye, that Sarah recognized all too well, he then took off her blouse, along with her bra, and handed Mary to her, and Sarah attached her to a nipple.

Paul stood back and surveyed the sight before him.

"Ahhh......what a lovely sight!"
"You know I can't feed like this all the time!"
"Oh, I know, but I'm enjoying the view while you can!" He winked.
"May I have a cup of tea?"
"Oh, sure luv..." he backed out of the room, stumbling over a chair, before turning around, and looking where he was going.
She looked down at Mary.... "Men!"

Paul returned soon with tea, and resumed his close watch of his topless wife, feeding Mary.
"Be careful that you don't burn them! That would be tragic!"
Sarah rolled her eyes, and continued feeding Mary.

Soon enough the feeding was done, and Paul, begrudgingly let Sarah put her blouse back on.

  "I think I'm gonna take a shower."
"Ok luv, I've got her."
"Ok dear. I need to try and wash off this hospital smell!"

Sarah went up to take her shower, and Paul stayed behind to watch/sit with/play with baby Mary.

  She came out to find him holding her, making some of the funniest faces she had ever seen him make.

  Mary just laid in his arms, looking up at him like he was the creature from the black lagoon, or something, seemingly not really sure what to think.

"Hey, are you two having fun?" Sarah said, as she came back downstairs.
"Oh yeah, lots..."
"Unfortunately I've lost some hair since I've been holding her.."
"Oh yeah, why?"
"Cause she keeps pulling it out.." Sarah roared with laughter.
"Aren't you glad you don't have a beard anymore?"
"Uhh....more than anything!"

And so it began, what was a four people family, now was five. The house was very full, and this became more evident as Mary grew older, but as full as it was, it was even more full of love.

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