Chapter 4

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  Paul lit his cigarette, and took a long draw, and blew it out.

  "So let me get this straight..... You've got a girl living in your house. You're both in love, but you haven't bedded her yet, and you're sleeping in separate bedroom?!"

  "John, is that all you think about? No, I haven't. She's not ready for that, and I'm not gonna force her."

  "Ok...ok.. it's no sweat mate.."  John said, as Yoko nodded  her head beside him.

Paul sighed... Did every conversation he had with John have to involve Yoko?!

"Well, let's try to get through this song!" "I was trying, John, till you stopped to ask me whether I was bedding Sarah or not!" Both men rolled their eyes, and got back to the song they were singing.

With the song finished....Finally.... They all set out for home, and Paul set out for his.

Meanwhile, at home Sarah had already cleaned the house from top to bottom, and was at this minute scrubbing the kitchen floor.

  As she was there, on her knees, Paul walked into the door.

"Sarah! What are you doing?!" He rushed over to her, and lifted her up off the floor.

"I've told you, I don't want you doing this!" "But, I've got to earn my keep!" "Is that what your uncle told you?" She slowly nodded her head.

Paul took her in his arms and held her for a moment, then pulled back and held her face in his hands.

"Listen Sarah, please don't do this anymore? I love you, and I don't want someone I love to be on her knees like some animal. You are not an animal, nor are you a slave, or maid." "Well, what am I?" She whispered. "Well, as far as I'm concerned, you're my girlfriend, and no girlfriend of mine is gonna work on her hands and knees."

"Ok, I'll just put this stuff up." She bent down, then Paul abruptly pulled her up. "Oh no you won't. The house is spotless, and you must be tired. You go rest, and I'll put this up. Then I'm gonna fix my lovely girlfriend some dinner." "Ok, if you say so." Paul smiled. "That I do, beautiful."

  Sarah went to the tv, turned it on and began looking for a channel.

"Look Paul! It's my favorite show, here in England!" She had found the show 'my favorite martian' on one of the channels.

"Oh cool, I remember watching that when we went on tour to America back in 64. Would you like a cuppa before dinner?" "Yes please?" She said, as she walked back to the sofa.

Paul busied himself making tea. When he was done, he took her cup to her, as well as a plate of biscuits.

  "Here's your cookies, luv.." Sarah smiled, remembering their recent conversation.

"Thank you, Paul, you're so sweet!" "I know, I mean thank you!" He winked before returning to the kitchen.


  The next day in the studio was a nightmare. They could not get anything done for all the arguing....

   Paul couldn't understand why George wasn't playing the way he wanted him to, and George didn't like being ordered around.

  John didn't like some of the songs that Paul had written and brought in to record. He thought they were stupid....Like the song, ob-la-di-ob-la-da....

He thought it was one of the most stupid songs Paul had ever written.

After several tries to get things together, all the Beatles tempers were at a boiling point, and it was at this moment that everything fell apart...

"I've had it with this sh**!" John exclaimed, then got up and walked out, followed very closely by Yoko.

All the other Beatles just looked at each other, but they all knew there was nothing they could do.

Paul went home, and did his best to hold in any anger, and not take anything out on Sarah.

The next day the Beatles had a meeting....

"I think it would be a great idea to go back out on the road! You know, just be that great little band again!" Said Paul.

John rolled his eyes, took a breath, and stood up..

"I'd like to take this opportunity to make an announcement... I'm leaving the band."

All eyes were wide, and mouths dropped, as John then turned around and walked out, as Yoko clung to him like a lost kitten.

  For several weeks, Paul was depressed...barely ate or slept, but Sarah stayed by his side, giving him space when he needed it, and comforting when he needed that.

  Many times he cried on her shoulders.

  Then one day he snapped out of it...

  "Sarah, what do you say we make a song together?" "Umm....what?!"
"A song, lets, you and me, make a song together...."

Paul's smile was contagious as she smiled back.

  He suddenly jumped up, and hugged her...

"Sarah, I just want to thank you for not leaving me, and staying by my side through all of this. You really are amazing luv!"

"Well, when someone loves someone else as much as I do you, that's what they do!"

"You really love me that much?" Sarah bent her head, then looked back up at Paul..  "Yes I do."

Paul smiled...."marry me Sarah?" Sarah smiled back.... "I'd love to Paul!"


When Paul met SarahOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant