Chapter 21

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The next morning Paul and Sarah slept late, as late as the babies let them anyway.....

   Sarah got up first, and fed Emma and Ian. Then she started breakfast.

She was just finishing up when Paul walked out of the bedroom...

  "Coffee, please tell me there's coffee?!"
"Yes darling, nice and hot."
"Oh, thank you, thank you! You're amazing baby!"
"I know!" She winked at him.
"Be careful luv, I'll have the little ones down for a kip, and I'll have you in the bedroom!"
"mmm....tempting! But they're not gonna want to take a kip, so you'd be fighting a losing battle."
"Well, there's always tonight!"
"Ok, but for now, eat your breakfast."
"Yes mum!"

  "Hey, after brekky, we could go out on the beach, and let them play with their new toys.."
"Yeah, hey, you wanna take the stroller and go for a walk?"
"Yeah, that sounds cool, hey, where did you get that thing anyway?"
"Oh, Andrea gave it to me, had it in her trunk. She said she doesn't need it anymore."
"She has children?"
"Yeah, two boys."
"She must have had them young!"
"Yeah, kinda, she was 16 when she got pregnant. She had twins as well."
"Hmm....interesting...., but we can't take it with us when we go home.."
"Yeah, I know.. she said she'll just take it and give it to the goodwill, or something..."
"What's Goodwill?"
"Oh, it's a store where the stuff is donated, and they sell it really cheap, mostly for the poor..."
"Oh, I see...."

With breakfast over, and dishes done, they got ready, and went out on the beach.

Both babies had fun with their pails and shovels, with only a small amount going into their mouths.

  At some point Sarah and Paul walked them out to the shoreline, so they could get their feet wet. Emma and Ian weren't terribly happy with this cold water running over their feet, so that activity ended quickly.

  Sarah ended up sitting with them, as Paul went for a swim. She wasn't upset, as she couldn't swim anyway.

   Then they loaded them up in the stroller, made for two, and went for a walk.

They found several beach stores, and went in to look around. They bought some souvenirs, as well as some sun glasses, which they now knew that they needed.

  They even found sun glasses for babies, but opted not to buy them, because when they tried them on the babies, they yanked them off within a couple seconds. They settled for a hat for each baby.

  In one store Paul found a really skimpy bikini that he just had to see Sarah in.

  In one store Paul found a really skimpy bikini that he just had to see Sarah in

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   Paul was extremely happy when she walked out in the new bathing suit.

"We'll be going to bed early tonight!"
"What if they don't want to go to bed early Paul?"
"I'll make sure they do, anything to get me some of what's under that red bikini!"
"You know what's under this red bikini!"
"Well, I didn't say I didn't know, I said I'm going to get it!"

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