Chapter 13

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Two women! One was his wife, and the other one thought she was his wife!

What in the world was he going to do?!

Sarah slept soundly beside him, and he became afraid that his constant tossing and turning might wake her up, so he quietly got out of bed, and crept out of the room.

  Going into the kitchen, he flipped on the light.

A cuppa would be nice...

"Hmm...where does she keep the decaf tea?" He mumbled to himself. Finding it, he set about the task of making a cup of tea.

  Suddenly Lindsey appeared in the doorway.

"Oh, did I wake you?" "No, I woke up on my own, I miss my husband." "I'm sorry bout that, maybe you'll find him soon. "I already have." She moved closer to him.

"I'm sorry luv, but I'm a married man." "I know, to me." ", I'm not. I'm married to Sarah. I might look like your husband, but I assure you that I'm not. Now, would you like a cup of tea?" Lindsey sighed..."I guess so." Paul nodded, and took out another cup.


Meanwhile, a spacecraft silently made it's way through the clouds, and landed.

  As once before, they got out and walked to Paul's house. No one heard them, and no one saw them.

  The rip in the fabric of time and space had to be fixed, and a certain blonde needed to be returned to where she belonged. This was their appointed task.

  How she slipped through was a mystery, but she must be returned.

  Meanwhile, Lindsey continued to flirt with Paul, and Paul did his best to stay several steps ahead of her.

  After the tea was gone, Paul decided he would go back to bed.

"Well, goodnight Lindsey. I think I might be able to go back to sleep now." "Are you sure you wouldn't rather stay up and talk?" "Yes, I'm sure. Goodnight." Then he quickly turned and went back to his room, and got back in bed with his wife.

Sarah turned and snuggled into his arms.

"Oh yeah, this is much better.." He smiled, and drifted back to sleep.

  He had not been asleep long when the two beings walked through his room.

  Soon he was back in the strange room with the mirrors.

  "Hello again Paul." Paul spun round to see a blue lady standing there.
"What in the....!" "Don't be afraid. We've met before." "No we haven't. I think I would remember a blue lady." "The last time I saw you, my appearance was how I wanted you to see me. I thought now, I would let you see me in my true form. I'm coming to you in a dream, well, what you call a dream, but I'm very real. The fact that you don't remember is our doing. The little you know, and remember, the better."

"So what do you want?""Well, there has been a rip in the fabric of space and time

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"So what do you want?"
"Well, there has been a rip in the fabric of space and time. I'm sure you have recently met someone, a blonde."
"Oh yeah, her! She's in my house, thinks she's my wife, and I'm the father of her baby girl. She keeps insisting that I am, though I know that I'm not."
"Well, she is the wife of another Paul McCartney."
"There's another Paul McCartney?!"
"Oh yeah, she's his wife. She somehow got through a rip, like I said, in the fabric of...."
"Of time and space, yes I know.. but what I don't know is what you're gonna do about it. And while we're on the subject, how many times are you going to appear to me like this?"
"Well, I wasn't planning on appearing anymore, but this couldn't be helped."
"Uhhuh, so...what now?"
"You're going to wake up, and not remember this. Linda will be returned to where she belongs."
"Oh...good, so where am I? Am I on your ship?" Paul began to look around him.
"Yes actually..."
"Oh by the way..."
"On what?"
"You'll see..."


Slowly the morning crept into their bedroom, bringing with it the first rays of sun light.

Paul opened his eyes, glad to be awake. Those weird dreams were getting weirder! He wondered for a few minutes if there may have been something else in that tea he drank last night.

"Goodmorning beautiful." Paul said as he kissed her nose. "You missed my lips by a mile." " I did, let me rectify that." He then kissed her lips, slowly deepening the kiss. "Looks like you might be up for some early morning love making.." "maybe..."

  After they made love, they got up, and took a shower.

"Hey darling, do we have a house guest, or did I dream it?"
"You must have dreamt it, cause I don't know anything about a house guest."

" know, I've been having some weird dreams lately."
"Oh really, what about?"
"Umm....something about a rip in the fabric of time and space, and there was this blue lady..."

They were now walking into the kitchen.

"Umm...Paul, I think you've been smoking too many of those left handed cigarettes!"
"HaHa, very funny!"

"So, you fancy going to the studio today?"
"Sure, I'd love to Paul."

"What do you want for brekky?"
"You know what, I'd kinda like some pancakes, strawberries, and whipped cream."
"We're all out of whipped cream luv."
"Really? I thought we had some."
"We did, but you remember the other night, we uhh..."
"Nevermind, I remember."

Breakfast was cooked and eaten, and dishes were cleared away, and washed.

"By the way, Paul..."
"I forgot to mention something...."
"What? You need me to pick up some more whipped cream?"
"Yeah, I mean no!"
"Well, what is it?"
"Well, I think I'm pregnant."

"You're what?!"
"Pregnant, I'm pregnant. Is that ok?"
"Ok?! It's bloody wonderful!" Paul picked her up and spun her around.

Sarah laughed, and held onto Paul's neck.
"I love you so much, you're the most wonderful man ever!"
"Awe, thanks luv, I might just run for Prime minister."
"Oh stop," She playfully slapped his arm.

"We should celebrate!"
"Umm...I dunno, but for now, I think I'll play a record and dance with my lovely wife."

Paul went to the record player, and picked out just the right tune to play..

  "Come here baby, dance with me.."

As they danced he sang along into her ear..

"Baby, baby, I hear a symphony..."

Somewhere, way up above them, in space, a certain blue lady smiled.

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