Chapter 31.

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It was lunch time and I sat around one of the many tables in the cafeteria with Jace by my side. We were waiting for Simon and Clary to finish their different classes and Izzy also promised that she would try to join us for lunch today since she didn't like her own friends. It felt weird to be back at school after so many days of staying home, but it actually felt surprisingly good to walk down the familiar corridors and finally feel like a normal teenager again. My first classes of the day had passed by gracefully and I was really happy that Raphael or some other idiotic bully hasn't tried to abuse me with horrible words yet. I would like to think that it's because of the talk that Magnus had with Raphael a couple of days ago, but I'm not sure. Their friendship isn't really stable at the moment and if it's true what Magnus told me when I came to his apartment, that Raphael feels betrayed and left behind like a piece of garbage, he's probably going to do everything to get his revenge on me. Speaking of Magnus, I haven't seen him all morning and I'm actually very worried about him. When he left my house that night that his stepfather got arrested for stealing stuff down at the supermarket, I knew that things would turn upside down. When I had asked him how the whole event had turned out, he only answered that it went horrible. Then I guess he turned off his phone because when I kept sending him messages, I didn't get any response.
- Are you okay?
Jace's voice brought me out of my trance and as I turned my attention toward him, I saw how he looked at me with a worried expression.
- I'm fine, I answered and flashed my adoptive brother a quick smile
- You know that you always can talk to me, right? I'm never in my whole life going to leave you're side again, Jace said with a serious voice
- Thank you
I could tell that Jace was about to keep talking, but I guess he decided to stay quiet instead when the two of us saw how Clary and Simon came walking towards our direction with Izzy walking tightly in heel, trying to keep up with with her short legs.
- Hello there angels, Clary happily said and sat down beside Jace
- Hi babe, he answered and placed a light kiss on her pale cheek
Izzy sat down beside me and Simon sat down on the other side of Jace, which actually surprised me. In the beginning, they didn't seem to get along very well but I guess they have gotten closer to each other as I have been away from school. We started to eat our food in silence, enjoying the company of each other.
- Look who also decided to come back to school today, Clary suddenly said and looked at me with a smirk
- What? I asked
I quickly turned around in my seat and what I saw put a small smile on my lips. Magnus was walking into the cafeteria and he looked absolutely stunning. To his right walked a girl with dark skin and she had a huge smile on her lips, probably happy that Magnus Bane was back in school.
- Who's the girl? I asked quietly and tried to push away my jealousy
- That my friend is Catarina Loss. She's actually a really nice person, not like the other popular girls and boys at this school, Simon answered
- Do you know her? Clary asked and looked at him with suspicious eyes
- We have math together
I turned my attention back to Magnus and Catarina and saw how they walked together further into the cafeteria. Since they both are very popular, I thought that they would sit down with the other popular guys, but when they came closer to the table where we were sitting, I felt how my heart started beating faster.
- Hi, can we sit here with you guys? Magnus asked when the two of them finally reached our table
- Of course, Jace answered
Magnus smiled at all of us and thereafter, he sat down beside me and Catarina sat down next to him. She looked rather nervous for some reason but when Magnus whispered something in her ear, I could see how she relaxed a lot more.
- Where were you this morning? I asked and looked at Magnus with questioning eyes
- Raphael got mad at me for missing our soccer practice yesterday so he forced me to run around the field until I couldn't breathe, Magnus answered and rolled his eyes
- You're okay, right?
- Alexander, I'm fine. I have always been a pretty good runner
- I'm not talking about the running, I answered and looked at my friend with a expressionless face
- We can talk about it later, Magnus said and avoided eye contact
All of us talked and laughed for a while and Catarina actually seemed like a very lovely girl. She told us how Magnus saved her when this guy at a party tried to rape her and ever since then, they've been really close friends and done a lot of things together. When the bell finally rang, signalling that our lunch break was over, we said goodbye to each other and walked different directions. Fortunately, Magnus and I have our next class together so we walked down the corridors side by side.
- Catarina seems nice, I said after a while of comforting silence
- She really is, Magnus answered
- Are you guys a couple?
My question made Magnus stop in the middle of the corridor. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
- No, we're not a couple. Catarina is like a sister to me and we don't see each other more than friends
- Oh, I answered
- Besides, we have a date to look forward to, remember? Magnus asked and looked at me with a smile on his lips that I would like to kiss more than anything in this world
- Of course I remember, I answered and felt how I blushed like crazy
- Good
We continued walking down the corridor and as we reached our classroom, Magnus opened the door for me like the true gentleman he is, claiming that a pretty boy like me always should walk first.

\\ TBC \\

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