Chapter 48.

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A small girl with caramel skin and raven black hair came running with a huge smile on her lips immediately when Magnus and I arrived into the kitchen after a few hours of resting. She was really stunning and I could tell that she was related to Magnus cause they both have the exact same angelic crystal clear eyes that makes my whole body shiver every damn time that I look deeply into them.
- Hello, sweetie, Magnus said with a smile on his pink lips as he swung the little girl around in his arms
His actions made the little girl let out a beautiful laugh and I could tell that she really adored Magnus a lot. Her laughing stopped when Magnus put her back down on the floor and as she stood steady, she turned her attention towards me and looked at me with a pair of rather wide eyes.
- You're beautiful, she said and the big smile was once again back on her lips that reminded me of Magnus's
- Thank you, love. You're also very beautiful, I answered and smiled
The little girl blushed and tried to hide her tomato red face as best as she could against Magnus's leg.
- Alexander, this is Bella. She's my favourite little angel, Magnus said happily and I could practically hear the enormous smile on his pink lips
- It's nice to meet you, Bella, I said and flashed a smile at the small girl
Bella smiled back and thereafter, she ran out from the kitchen and left the two of us alone. I couldn't really help myself but keep the smile on my face. Everything was so beautiful and I could honestly tell by only meeting them for a short while that Magnus's aunt and her family all are amazing people that truly deserves nothing more than pure happiness.
- Are you hungry? Magnus asked and looked at me with loving eyes
- I'm always hungry and you know that, I answered and laughed
- I can't really disagree on that
Magnus started cooking for all of us in the house and as he got closer to the finish line of the cocking, Evelyn and Bella walked into the kitchen followed by another little older girl that I assumed must be Katie. She also had raven hair and crystal clear eyes that seriously must be created by some kind of higher powers.
- It smells amazing, Evelyn said and placed a small kiss on his forehead
- Only the best for my family, Magnus said with a happy voice
When he finally was done with the food, all of us sat down around the dinner table and started eating. The food tasted heavenly and I could tell that everyone truly was enjoying it.
- I'm dying to know, for how long have the two of you been together? Evelyn asked after a while of silence
- A few weeks, I answered and couldn't keep the smile off my lips
- The best weeks of my life, Magnus said and pressed a quick kiss against my cheek as we sat beside each other
Bella was pouting like someone had taken her favourite stuffed animal and it looked like she was about to start crying any minute. Magnus let out a little chuckle and thereafter, he placed a light kiss on her forehead as she sat on the other side of him. The small kiss deleted the pout from her face and got replaced my a smile.
- There you go, princess, Magnus said and continued eating the food
When all of us had eaten up and the dishes were dishes, Magnus and I walked back up to the room that we had gotten assigned. I still felt rather exhausted which lead to the fact that I immediately crashed on the bed.
- Are you still tired? Magnus asked and laid down beside me on the bed
- Yeah, I answered and sighed
- How about we get some sleep then
Magnus put both of his arms around my talk figure and I couldn't do more than relax under his touch.
- Goodnight, he whispered into my ear and kissed my cheek carefully
- Goodnight, I whispered back

// TBC \\ Angst is coming 😱😳

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