Chapter 2

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Liza woke slowly the next morning relishing the feel of the warm body next to her. She leaned up on one elbow to watch Grace sleep for a few minutes. It seemed like a dream. She couldn't believe that after all this time she was here with Grace. She leaned down to her ear and whispered her name. Grace moaned. Liza gently kissed her from ear to shoulder then whispered, "I'm going for a run."

"Okay." Grace mumbled.

After one last kiss to Grace's shoulder, Liza got up to search out clothes. After dressing, she stopped in the kitchen for a bottle of water and found Rachel there cutting up fruit.

"Morning." Rachel said when she looked up, "Coffee?"

"Not yet, thanks. I've got to run last night's pizza off first." She said as she reached the fridge.

"Want some company?" Rachel asked.


"Give me a few minutes to change." Rachel said as she put the fruit back in the fridge. She returned a few minutes later and Liza followed her out the door.

"How far do you usually go?" Liza asked as they stopped outside to stretch.

"A mile or two. You?" She turned to Liza, "I guess that's a warm up to you," and laughed when Liza agreed.

"I'll be happy with that. We'll at least run off the pizza."

They started off at a steady pace that allowed them to talk while they ran.

"Go ahead and ask." Liza prompted.


"You either have questions or you're fighting the urge to voice your opinion. In some ways you're a lot like her sister."

"I hope that's a compliment."

"It is. You've been good for her and I'm glad she's had someone to lean on."

"Okay, now that that's out of the way I will ask my questions." She waited for Liza's consent, "What are your plans now?"



"One day at a time. I have a lot to make up for and I have to start with Cali. I have to have her blessing. Jess knows all about it so that makes it easier for me because she'll be supportive but it is going to cause issues between her and Cali because she's kept it from her for years." She paused to see if Rachel was going to comment. "I'm going to tell Cali how I feel about Grace and go from there."

"What if Cali is against it?"

"One day at a time."

"So help me understand, why did you leave?"

"I didn't feel like I was good enough for Grace. She had her whole life ahead of her, she still does. I came from the other side of the tracks, so to speak. Their mothers grew up best friends, I was the little girl everyone felt sorry for. Especially after my mother died and I became my old man's punching bag. Jess's grandmother ended up taking me in, pretty much raising me. Grandma Jessie kept him in booze and I had somewhere safe to hide when he turned mean. I was thirteen when I moved in permanently because his abuse got worse."

"I'm sorry Liza."


"Is he still around?"

"Unfortunately yes. He's on my list to deal with when I get back." Liza answered with a shrug.

"This is about a mile out." Rachel said. "Are you ready to head back?"

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