CH 19 Under Attack

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(Hux's Point of View)

A stormtrooper approaches me and stands attention.


I nod my head and ask, “Yes?”

“Sir, we tried to have someone feed Kylo Ren as you requested but he won't eat.”

I exhale in frustration. He's such a stubborn man. I suppose I am too, which makes me smile.

Confused the trooper asks what to do about it.

“Unlatch the restraints on his arms. Let him feed himself.”

The trooper stared at me for a moment hesitating.

“As you wish General.” He replies eventually.

“You are dismissed.” And I give him a nod to leave.

I return to my duties but take a glance at Ren on the monitor first. He’s still sitting there. Just the way I like him, under control.

“General!” One of my flight crew shouts.

“What is it commander? Have you found the resistance?” I ask excitedly.

“We may have. There has been a report of a stolen Tie Defender on the planet of Quadrant 9.”

“That's hardly a lead commander. Ships go missing all the time.”

“Yes general. But I had a couple Scout Troopers investigate this morning and they've found some pretty convincing evidence. There have been sightings of the General of the Resistance. Also of those two rebel scum that escaped our hands just last week.”

I can’t control the smile that spreads across my face.

I'm about to command him to take us to that planet but he's taking a report from someone so I wait. He turns around when he’s finished confused.


“The Tie Defender has just been located.”

“Isn't that a good thing? Where is it?”

“It's just docked this ship General.”

“No one enters that ship! Get a squad on it and I want a squad with me.”

“Yes General.”

I turn around and exit the cockpit. I walk towards the docking bay with haste and a squad of Stormtroopers forms around me. We reach a set of elevators and we split up and enter them. We're heading down in silence. It's driving me crazy how long it's taking because I just need to be down there. Finally we come to a halt and the doors open slowly. We file out of the shaft and I look around.

I analyze the bay absolutely enraged. I pull out my communicator and shout into it.

“The ship is under attack! I'm heading to the prisoner’s chambers. Have there been any breaches on the ship? Check the monitors! What's going on!?”

The entire docking bay is covered in wounded and dead soldiers. The obvious culprit being the Tie Defender lying in the open. My squad and I approach it with caution and search the vessel while I wait for a response.

Minutes later he answers. “No General, there haven't been any breaches. Wait a minute. There has just been an unclassified entry in Sector 35, the Prison.”

We discover the ships emptiness and I respond. “Redirect the squad there. I'm on my way.”

“Of course, right away General.”

But it's too late. The squad arrives here just as he answers me.

“You're heading with me.” I command and we all get back into the elevators.

Hux is outwitted again! Bet he didn't see that coming.

The next few chapters will probably be up in a week or less. Thanks for all the support my fellow readers!

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