CH 33 Transmitter

404 15 7

(Leia's Point of View)

Cam Zaveri, it’s a name that hasn't escaped my lips in a long time. He was clever and quick-witted. It caught my attention almost immediately. And his friend, the girl. I felt for her like I did my own child. I wanted so very much to have them under my care. I could protect her and help him grow. But I knew I wouldn't, couldn't. I had already tried to raise a child and found that I was a much too busy woman. Being a general takes a lot out of a person, so I let them go. I'm still not sure if that was the right choice or if they're even still alive. I suppose soon enough I'll find out. I gather our small crew in the morning to announce my thoughts.

It's been over 7 years since I met the boy, I tell them. I don't go into detail for fear of revealing a nature of the resistance I'm not proud of. 

I do tell them though, "As we parted I told him he must leave me a way to find him. I didn't want him to drop off of the face of the galaxy. I suggested a tracker but he refused the idea immediately insisting he didn't want to be found, but I pushed on. Eventually we settled on a holoprojector I had one of my engineers modify. It is used by sending a series of lights to spell out words, like morse code. He was to keep his on the ship I gave him and I was to keep mine on my person. I only ever used it once."

"Sounds like a hell of a lot to go through for someone you barely know." Poe questions me. 

"You may never understand why I did it Poe, but soon we will learn whether it was worth it and that's all that matters." I reply. I hate being secretive about these things but there are quite literally lives at stake. He will grow to understand and he will make a great general one day. For now, my secrets must remain just that, secrets.

"So why are we still sitting here? Where's your transmitter?" Finn senses another but in my story and he's right.

"I lost the transmitter." It's almost funny now how cryptic it's getting to find this boy. So much so that Rose laughs. I haven't heard a word out of her for days, it seems she's returning to herself again.

She asks, "Where do we find it?"

I notice Finn is just as surprised to see her talk as I am but I don't show it. I talk quickly so as to act like we're all used to her conversing again. 

"We have two force users, I was hoping they'd be able to figure that one out."

"You want us to find it? Is that even possible?" Rey exclaims. 

"Mother, you of all people should know how difficult that is." He's referring to the fact that neither of us could find Luke for years. 

"I do. But I believe the two of you together can accomplish more than you think." I'm suggesting that they try together. I can sense their abilities compliment one another and they should too. I don't know if they're ready yet, but they need to be. A lifetime lies ahead of them and they no longer have anyone to teach them. They must master the force together or they won't get very far. 

"The force can be a powerful weapon, when used for the right reasons." I remind them. "Poe, Finn, Rose, Chewie. Let's leave them be. They'll need to concentrate with the utmost silence." I get up to leave and the rest of them follow reluctantly. 

Poe quickly reaches me as we're walking to the falcon and asks, "Can't we just ask around? Put out some posters? Do you really think they can find one piece of metal in the entire galaxy? Where was the last place you saw it? We'll start.."

"Poe, they'll find it. Trust in the force." I reply calmly, and we leave Rey and Ben to themselves.

I know i said I'd post every staurday but to be completely honest I forget haha sorry. Hope this is good enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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