CH 24 Being Brave

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(Finn's Point of View)

When the Falcon stops shaking, Rose and I get out of our chairs and run to the cockpit. When we get there I realize we're just sitting in space. I guess there's no plan to what we've just gotten ourselves into.

Leia says, “I can feel them, but I can't find them.”

With nothing else to do Poe says, “I'll check my scanners for any lifeforms in the area.”

While he does that I take a couple steps toward the control panel and look out the window. Just behind the planet is a huge gray thing emerging. After a second I realize it's a First Order Starfighter.

I panic and yell “Oh my Fathier!”

Poe asks “What?!” and I stick my finger out straight towards the ship.

Rose comes up behind me to look and asks “What do we do now?”

Chewbacca says something and I turn to Leia for a translation. She explains and Rose runs past me out of the cockpit. I turn around and follow her. When we get to the common area I yell her name but she doesn't stop running.

“Rose, wait up!” I yell again.

She makes it to one of the bedrooms and shuts the door behind her.

I get to it and ask, “Rose?”

All I can hear in return is sniffles. I feel bad so I wait outside the door for a minute.

Then I say, “Hey Rose. Mind if I come in?”

She still doesn't respond but the door opens. I walk in slowly and shut the door behind myself. She's sitting on the bed with a few tissues.

“I'm sorry,” she says through sniffles, “It's just, the last time we were caught by the First Order, we almost died. And I know I'm supposed to be brave like you but I can't sometimes. Sometimes it’s, it's too much to….”

“Hey hey hey, it's okay.” I walk over to her and sit on the bed.

I put my hand on her knee and try to get her to stop crying.

“I'm not so brave either you know. I used to run away from fights. Sometimes I'm still not confident in what I do. But do you know why I stick around?”

“Why?” She asks me.

“The people. It's the people who are worth fighting for. It's the people who I’ll never meet, and the ones I have. It's for you, and Chewie and Poe and Leia and Rey. They need me, and I've made a promise to myself that I'll be there for them.”

She wipes her tears and smiles at me. Then she laughs a little.

“What?” I ask what her smile is for.

She just leans over and pulls me into a hug. I smile back and return the hug. Then all of a sudden the lights go out and we let go of each other.

“What was that?” I ask Rose even though she doesn't know.

“I'm not sure. I should have a flashlight in my backpack though.”

I can't see her anymore but I hear her get off the bed and search through what I guess is her bag.

“Here we go.”

She clicks the button and points it at the ceiling so it illuminates most of the room.

Her smile has faded and she whispers, “That can’t be good.”

And I whisper back, “Maybe they did it on purpose. Why else would the lights be out?”

“You’re probably right.”

Then I whisper back again, “Why are we whispering?”

She giggles and whispers, “I don’t know.”

“Do you want to go check to make sure it’s not a malfunction?” I ask her.

She is a mechanic, she’d know how to fix it if something were to be wrong.

“Yeah, let’s check it out.” She replies.

We get up to leave but there is a knock at the door. I open it up and Poe asks to come in. When I turn to let him in I see Rose wipe almost dried tears from her cheeks, with her sleeve. I feel bad for bringing her back into this mess. When he gets inside we all sit down.

“So what’s with the lights?” I ask immediately.

“We have a plan. Well more specifically, Chewie has a plan. So i’ve turned the power to the Millenium Falcon off so our ship looks unoccupied. The First Order will spot us and take us into one of their bays. Once we’re there, Leia and you Rose will hide in the grates under the floor.”

“I can’t just sit back and hide.” Rose admits bravely.

“Trust me Rose, it’ll work better for the plan. Anyway, Chewbacca, Finn and I will hide in one of the supply closets. Most likely a couple of storm troopers will board the ship to inspect it for any sign of life. Once they come inside we take them out and take their suits.”

“What about Chewie? He is not going to fit in one of those suits.” I ask him.

“He’ll play the prisoner. We exit the ship and take our prisoner to the cell blocks which should lead us right to them. It’s the getting back part that’s a little hazy.” He finishes.

I think about it with all the information I know about the First Order and the plan still seems to work. But how do we get back without being spotted? I guess brute force is the only option, that’ll make Poe happy. Too bad he can’t use an X-Wing.

“I’ve got nothing. We’ll just have to bust out of there with the blasters they’ll have on them. Do we have any blasters?” I ask him with hope.

“I have my blaster and Chewie has his Bow Caster but that will be too noticeable. We can probably do this with three guns.”

“Probably.” I reply and look to Rose.

She’s clearly unhappy to be hanging back but it’s for the best. The look in her eyes tells me she’s seen the inside of a First Order Starfighter one too many times.

Here y'all go. Now I'm not sure if I should have the next chapter explain their whole plan fulfilled or skip to when they find Ben and Rey. What do you guys think? Do you want to read their whole plan or shall I skip ahead a tiny bit?

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