CH 28 Breakfast

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(Rey's Point of View)

I wake up slowly and groggy. I reposition myself to a sitting position and rub my eyes. Suddenly I realize what happened last night and I open my eyes wide. Then I look around the room for Ben. He's not here, I could've swore… there's a knock on the door. My head darts to it.

“Yes?” I ask who ever is standing behind it.

“Can I come in?” Ben's voice.

Did he come in last night or was I just imagining it?

“Sure.” I answer him.

He opens the door and walks in with a tray of food in his hand. Once he enters fully he shuts the door behind him.

“Breakfast?” He asks.

I nod yes. I'm starving. He smiles and comes to sit on the bed with me. He hands me a piece of bread and I start eating it as he eats his own piece. I never expected in a million light years that he'd be bringing me breakfast in bed but I'm not complaining. He finished his piece of toast and is now staring at me.

Eventually I ask, “What?”

“Are you going to tell me what last night was all about?” He asks curiously.

Great, I guess that really did happen. That's embarrassing. I look away from him contemplating if I actually should tell him. It's really none of his business what goes on in my head, but then again he was there for me when I needed him. He shouldn't expect a reward for being nice though. But I would like to tell someone about it. I don't know what they are, dreams? Memories? Perhaps he could help me figure it out….

“Come on, I can sense your hesitation. Please tell me. It must've been something important if the force decided to wake me up.” I look back at him confused.

“The force woke you up?
Because of me?” I ask genuinely interested.

I wasn't expecting that. Could it really be true?

“Yes, now don't try changing the subject on me.” He stares me down with pleading eyes.

“Fine.” I exhale he's persistent, I'll give him that.

“It's hard to describe really. I've been having these dreams. Or at least I think they're dreams. They're almost too real to be fake. If you know what I mean.” He nods a little but doesn't seem to fully grasp what I'm getting at.

“Here, just let me show you.” I hold my hand out to him hesitantly.

I don't usually like it when he's searching through my head but I really want him to understand. He takes it slowly and I raise his hand to my cheek. I leave his hand in the air and place mine back down on the bed.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” He asks thoughtfully.

I nod yes and close my eyes. I feel his hand touch my cheek and I tense up.

“Relax.” He whispers.

I take a deep breathe and let go. I start remembering the first dream I had. Usually when I think about it I only remember bits and pieces of it. But now that I'm showing him from inside my mind, it’s unfolding as if it's happening all over again. I'm just as terrified and lost in it as last time. And suddenly it's like I've lost control. Once the first dream unfolds the second one instantly unfolds. I can't escape it and I start to panic.
This time I'm somewhere different. Different then the first dream. I'm not in the closet. I'm in a courtyard. I look down to my feet and I'm standing in the hot sand. When I look up I see the face of the same man from the closet. I can't look at him long though with the sun beating against my face so I quickly look down. He's grasping the collar of my shirt so tightly it's almost choking me.

“Papa, let go! Papa!” I scream.

There are lots of people surrounding us but no one cares enough to notice me. I'm grabbing my father's hand but I'm not strong enough to push it away. My hair is sticking to my face and its covered in sweat.

A man's voice reigns throughout the courtyard and I look up to find the source of it. Because I stopped screaming my father lessens his grip. I can breathe again so I take a deep breathe.

“Next!” The man yells to the audience.

At this my father yanks me forward and past the crowd. Everyone is staring at me silently. I start crying because my father is hurting me again. He doesn't react. He just pulls me up onto a wooden stage with a man in the middle. He smiles when he sees me which sends a shiver down my spine. All of a sudden I start hearing the people behind me talk again. They're shouting numbers but I have no idea why. My dad pushes me towards the ground and let's go of me. I fall to my knees and reach to my neck to loosen my collar a little, finally.

My father approaches the big man and the man asks, “What's the girl's name?”

People are yelling so loudly I can barely make out what they're saying. I get to my feet and dust off my knees. The deck we’re on is almost as covered in sand as the actual ground.

“Rey.” My father answers the man and I look to him upon hearing my name.

“Huh?” The big man shouts.

“Rey!” My father shouts back at him over the commotion.

“I like her. No auction on this one, she's mine.” The crowd boos and yells back at him.

My father smiles and I look at him confused.

“I'll give you one hundred credits.” The man says.

My dad laughs and smiles. “Sold!” He yells back to the man.

My father takes the money he's handed and turns around. What is he doing? Where is he going? I start to follow him but the big ugly man grabs my arm. He yanks me back so I turn around and push on his arm.

He doesn't let go so I hit him and and yell, “No! Get away from me!”

I turn around just in time to see my father walk into his favorite bar without looking back.

All of a sudden my eyes fly open and I take a breath of air in. I realize how loudly I'm breathing so I try to calm myself. I'm still a little panicked. Not only because I relived that but also because I lost complete control of my mind. I wasn't in control, but neither was Ben. It was almost like the force was showing him what he needed to see. Whatever it was I don't like it. I glance at Ben to find a reaction but he just sits there, shocked.

“I don't think they're dreams.” I whisper.

“I had no idea…” He begins but I cut him off.

I don't want his pity even if it is true. “It feels real and I don't remember it happening but that doesn't mean it didn't. I must've been too little to remember. But why is the force showing me this now? I mean, it must be the force's doing right?”

“I don't know.” He says slowly.

I exhale in disappointment.

“I was hoping you'd be able to help me figure out why it's happening but you're just as clueless as I am.”

I get up and walk over to one of the dressers filled with my clothes. Ugh, why did I even show him? It was pointless and now I feel vulnerable. As I pull some clothes out I hear him get up off the bed.

“Hey,” He places his hand on my shoulder and turns me around to face him, “I'm glad you told me. We'll figure out what it is, together.” He smiles to assure me.

I laugh and smile at him.

“What?” He asks still smiling.

“I rarely see you smile.”

“And?” He asks still confused why it amuses me.

“And… it's nice.”

He laughs, “Then I'll make sure to keep it rare.”

I grin and push him. “Now get out so I can change. Have you talked to Poe yet? Finn?”

He frowns and I laugh. I walk over to the door and open it for him.

“Go on, make amends.”

He grunts, “Fine.” and walks out the door.

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