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      Argo looked at the face of his Master with fear sipping out of his pores. He had remembered his masters instruction clearly the day he was released, find the girl and find the girl, he didn't have any other option. Now here he stood, not only had he lost the girl he had also lost the only person who could tell them where Miranda was.
He knew today was going to be his last day on earth and he only wished that some sort of intervention would keep him from his fate.

Magnus sat still on his chair, his hands which were placed on the desk trembled but he didn't let His emotions show in his face.
He looked up at the excuse of a man standing before him and said,"So Maria and the girl are both missing, you say?"

Argo swallowed   a large portion of thick lump that had saturated in his throat. "My Lord my accomplice in Ponti tells me that both Maria and Miranda, have left the village."

Placing his hand on his chin he looked on at the trembling man, Argo raised his eyes to that of Magnus and as quickly as he did, he cast them down, he was so afraid to die, but he would have ended the life of another without a seconds breath. How ironic.
Master Magnus stood dainty on his feet, he moved towards the wine cabinet and fetched out a bottle of expensive wine, carrying g two glasses, he place one in the table and handed the other to Argo. Pouring them both a drink, he asked Argo to drink because it was a beautiful evening.

Placing the thick glass in his mouth, he didn't see the last piece of foamy substance dissolve into the wine, he drank it sceptically and yet with a hint of pride, no one has tasted from the master's wine collection, he was the first and unknown to him, it was going to be the last.

  Miranda watched the sleeping child and her lips stretched in a half smile she looked just adorable.
Her hair a wavy ebony black was sprawled out on the pillow and her lips were puckered like she had something to say in her sleep. Miranda inspected the bandage that she'd placed on her injured knee, it looked fine, taking the blanket, she placed it over the child's body.

        After the incident on the street she had insisted to attend to Belinda, John had refuted the idea and had asked her to go home but she had insisted, so here she was in this pink spacious room, bigger than the house that she had lived in all her life.

  As she smiled at the memory, a thin knock penetrated her thoughts and the door to Belinda's room opened. A woman in an elegant silver gown glided towards the sleeping child, Miranda took one look at the woman and realised that the woman wasn't even aware of her presence in the room. The woman stroked the girl's hair which looked just like hers and whispered sweet words into her ears, as she pecks her on her little head, she finally noticed another presence in the room. She spoke without turning.
"I'm Lady Henrietta, who are you?" She asked with her hands still stroking the child's hair.

Miranda out of courtesy, bowed her head as she responded, "my name is Miranda Gonzalo, I attended to little Belinda's injury." She didn't want to say the word *daughter * for she wasn't certain yet, Although the resemblance was glaring enough.

Henrietta smiled, still without looking at her, "you have  a very beautiful name Miranda, and from the sound of your voice I can also tell that you're beautiful. You don't have to be afraid to speak, I heard the hesitation in your voice  Miranda, this little girl is my daughter and also the young man who brought you here is my son.
I say thank you for what you've done, now if you'll please allow me to ask, I'll like to know how much  your services cost."

Miranda stood mouth agape, she had insisted to help Belinda not because of any reward but because she wanted to, She opted to apologize and tell the Lady that she couldn't collect any fee. "I'm sorry lady Henrietta, I can't take any money from you, what I did for Belinda, I did for love. Don't look at my poor state and judge me by it."
As she said those words, lady Henrietta finally turned towards her direction and as she did, Miranda placed a hand over her mouth to hold the surprised squeal that tried  to break free.

Lady Henrietta's eyes stared unseeing, "I do not see your poor state Miranda, what I offered you was the right thing to do. If you do not want instant payment then we could arrange something, as you can see now that my little girl is ill, She will need someone to stay with her, she's only 9 and there's a lot that she needs to learn and I can't teach her everything and neither can John. ".

Lady Henrietta stood speaking for a second and took a deep breath, " if you are willing Miranda Gonzalo, will you be Belinda's nanny?"

Miranda's entire body went rigid as the word stumbled out of the woman's mouth.  She sucked in a deep breath as she looked at the fragile girl in the bed. "I'm no nanny, I haven't taken care of children before, I'll do a very bad job and I don't want to use your wonderful daughter as an example." She finished with a solid shake of her head forgetting that lady Henrietta was blind.

"I'll give you the night to think about it, the guest room had been prepared for you, by tomorrow I will be waiting for a reply." The woman kissed the little girl one more time and move softly out of the room.

Miranda moved over to the bed and picked Belinda's tiny hands placing them on her palm as she thought. I am good with medicine and not children! Where do I start from?

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