Chapter 19 Undress to Impress

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Can you see my scars?
Can you feel my heart?
This is all of me for all of the world to see

Raven's POV

As I climbed into the car, Patrick looked at me from the rear view mirror. "Raven, what actually happened today?"

"Really? Right now?" I asked as I buckled in. I had literally just sat down and he wants me to explain what happened. Fun. (not really).

"Yeah, right now."He said, still watching me.

I sighed. "Fine. So these girls were walking by me and they were laughing at me and talking. So I told them that if they had something to say about me, say it to my face. So they walked up and the main girl started to tell me that I was just an emo fag that nobody will ever love." I said all in one breath. But luckily Patrick was able to follow along.

"And that's it?" Patrick asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

I hesitated before answering. "Yeah. That's it."

(A/N Guys! If you are bullied, please, please, please do not say anything less to an adult than what happened. If you leave things out, you're letting the bully get away with what they did! I've seen the toll it takes on people's lives when that happens, and I've let it happen to me personally. Please speak up!)

Pete then turned around and gave me a high five, a smile on his face. "Good job."

I cocked my head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"You stood up to the bullies. You didn't let them get to you." He said.

I smiled weakly at him, knowing that I was lying. I knew that I didn't actually face them. I didn't stand up to them. I just simply made them angry. It was my fault that what happened happened.  But I guess what they didn't know couldn't hurt them.

Patrick looked at me and smiled. "Yeah. I'm proud of you." Then he narrowed his eyes at me. "But don't go provoking people."

I threw my hands up in the air in surrender, a smile on my face. "No problem there, sir."

Patrick looked over to Pete, a huge smile spreading across his face. "You hear that, Pete? She called me 'sir'."

Pete laughed and shook his head. "She calls everyone 'sir', dummy."

"Hey!" Patrick said, giving a face of mock offense as we drove up the driveway to the house. Laughing, I opened the door of the car and hopped out of the car and walked into the house.

"Hey, Raven!" I heard Joe say from the couch.

"Hey, Joe!" I said back.

"You guys hungry?" I heard Andy ask.

"Yes!" Patrick and Pete yelled at the same time.

"What about you, Raven?"

I thought for a second before replying. "Sort of."

Andy smiled. "Good. Cause I made burgers."

"But I thought that you were vegan and Dad is vegetarian?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Yeah. These are veggie burgers." Andy said, looking extremely proud of himself.

"Oooh, they smell amazing, Andy." Patrick said, sitting down at the table. Pete, Joe and I exchanged worried looks before sitting down at the table. Andy set down a plate in front of me that smelled good but I couldn't say the same about the look. I picked up the burger and cautiously took a bite. My eyes widened, not because it tasted bad but because it actually tasted amazing.

"Andy, this is amazing!" I said through chewing.

Andy smiled. "Thank you, Raven."

"I actually have to agree with Raven on this one." Pete said. Patrick, Andy and I looked at him, shocked. Pete looked back at us, his burger in hand. "What?"

Everybody just shook their heads and turned their attention back to their food until I heard my phone ring.

I remember baby come home
I remember baby come home

"Hello?" I said once I pulled it out of my pocket, everybody at the table smirking at my ringtone.

"Raven?" I heard Isabella's voice whimper from the other side of the phone.

"Isabella? Are you crying?" I asked, worried. She sniffled from the other side, then I heard yelling. 'Where are you, you little shit?' "Isabella, are you okay?"

She sniffled again. "I don't know. When I got home, they were just screaming at each other. I came inside and then they thought that I was judging them or something and then they started-they started screaming that I'm worthless and that they wish I wasn't born."

I covered my mouth with my hand and stood up so fast that the chair behind me fell down. "Where are you? My dad and I are gonna come get you." Patrick gave me a confused look and I put the phone on speaker, the yelling being projected through the speakers. Patrick quickly got up and ran to get his keys while Pete stared in horror.

"Raven, I don't know how I can get out of the house right now." Isabella said weakly.

I paced back and forth. "Um, is there a window?"


"When you hear a horn honk, climb out the window and we'll be there." I said quickly.

"Okay." She gave me her address and Patrick and I ran out the door to the car, keeping Isabella on the phone the whole time. We finally came up to the two-story house and Patrick honked the horn five times. I was looking all around and saw a window in the top left corner start to open, revealing Isabella climbing out of the window. She landed on the soft grass under her and bolted to the car, a small backpack in hand. She opened the car door and I finally got a good look at her. Her mascara and eyeliner were running down her cheeks and her eyes showed a broken girl. I leaned over and hugged her tight.

"It was awful." She said, her body shaking with sobs.

"Shhh, you're okay now." I said into her ear. "You're okay."


Hello, my lovely Youngbloods! So, I would like to say again that if any of this happens to you, say something! Feel free to message me any time, I will listen! And even though this isn't a Twenty One Pilots fic, please Stay Alive, frens. Let me know what you think down below with a comment and vote!

Love from the other side of the screen,

Pebbs xx

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