Chapter 23 Let's Get You Wasted and Alone

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Are we growing up or just going down?
It's just a matter of time until we're all found out
Take our tears, put 'em on ice
'Cause I swear I'd burn this city down to show you the light

A/n: Hey guys! So before you read this chapter I wanna give a shout out to izzypanic She recently starting writing a book called, "You Gotta Show the World, the Thunder. (Patrick stump is my dad)"It's really great so far and I'm letting you guys know this so that you will check her book out! So after this chapter go and check out her book or else I'll find you and hunt you down😂 jk but if you love this book then I recommend you read her book. Enjoy the chapter my Youngbloods!

Patrick's POV

~Time Skip to Friday~

"Hey, Raven? You all packed up and ready?" I asked as I opened her door and peeked in at her, who was sitting on the bed, head in her small hands. I walked over to her quickly, putting my hand on her shoulder, in what I hoped was a comforting gesture. "What's wrong, love?"

I heard her sniffle as she turned around and tackled me in a huge hug. "I'm so scared."

I gave a nervous laugh as I hugged her back protectively. "Why?"

"Today is my first chemo and I don't know, I'm just scared." She shrugged in my arms.

I looked at her and wiped away her tears, giving her a reassuring smile. "It's going to be just fine."

She sniffled again. "You say that like you know for sure."

"That's because I do." I said, smiling at her and giving a pointed look.

"How?" She asked, frustrated.

"Magic dad powers. Now we need to get downstairs so we can get to the hospital." I said standing up and leaving her, a small smile on her face.

I walked into the living room of the penthouse that we were in, where Andy was sitting on the couch watching Pete and Joe play Mario Kart again, with Pete in the lead.

"So it looks like you can only win when Raven isn't playing." I said to Pete, leaning against the corner of the wall.

"Take that back, Patrick!" Pete yelled at me, causing me to laugh.

"No." I laughed. He turned to me and glared at me.

"Whatever," Pete said, still glaring. "I'm still the Mario Kart Master."

"I would beg to differ." We all turned around and saw Raven standing in the doorway with her arms crossed, a smile tugging at her lips.

Pete rolled his eyes playfully. "Of course you would."

"I beat you three times in a row!" She pointed out.

"I...let you win?" Pete said, unsure.

I let out a laugh, as did Raven. "You let me win?"

"Yeah! Cause that's what good uncles do. Let their nieces win at Mario Kart." Pete said, crossing his arms and looking at her triumphantly.

Joe looked at Raven. "Sorry Raven, but I wouldn't let you win. I've got too much at stake here."

Raven laughed. "Like what?"

Joe held a hand over his heart. "My pride."

Raven mimicked the gesture. "Then I'll keep it intact."

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