Chapter 34 We're Gonna Die

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So boycott love
Detox just to retox
And I'd promise you anything for another shot at life

Imperfect boys
With their perfect ploys
Nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy

Raven's POV

"Omg, is that the tour bus?" I asked excitedly, looking at Patrick with shock on my face. He looked at me, smiling, and nodded.

"That's the one." he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and hugging me. I hugged him back for a moment before letting go, grabbing Max and Kayle and running towards the large bus that was parked in front of the house. Opening the door, I walked in cautiously.

The front of the bus was arranged in a small sort of living room, with a couch on one side, a table coming out from the wall and swinging out to be in front of the couch. on the opposite side of the wall was a mounted television, with a cabinet underneath the tv, filled with all sorts of movies and video games. I ran my hand along the cabinet, walking to the end of the bus, which had four beds. Turning around, I looked at Patrick with a confused face.

"We have seven people, though. Why are there only four beds?" I asked.

Kayle put her hands on her hips staring Patrick down. "Are you going back on your word?"

Patrick put his hands up in defense, as though he were innocent of the crimes that Kayle was accusing him of. "No! We have another bus coming! Four people will be in one bus and three in the other. We're gonna draw names and see who goes where." he said innocently.

Max walked over and put their hand on Patrick's shoulder. "You're lucky. I'm afraid that if you had actually changed your mind, she would've attacked."

I laughed, but at the same time, I felt like it was sort of true.


After us drawing names, we came to the conclusion that Andy, Pete, Max and I would sleep in the first van and Patrick, Joe and Kayle would sleep in the second bus.

"Noooooo!" I cried sarcastically when they called Patrick's name for the second bus. I ran over and hugged him tight and protectively, glaring playfully at Kayle. "You get to be in a bus with my Dad instead of me. Hurt him, I hurt you."

Kayle laughed and put her hands up innocently. "As if."

We all laughed for a second before Pete broke it up. "Alright, guys. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we gotta head out. So give everybody hugs so they can head to their own bus." He said with a smile. I nodded and hugged Patrick tighter before letting go and hugging Joe now. After letting go, they all headed to their own bus and left Andy, Pete, Max and I alone. I had to admit that I knew it would be weird knowing that I wouldn't be able to see Patrick everyday like I was used to.

Pete collapsed on the couch, hitting the on button of the tv, grabbing a remote control and putting in Fortnite into the console. "Are you seriously kicking off the tour by playing Fortnite?" I asked incredulously. Max sat down next to him, grabbing a remote also.

"Heck yeah, I am. I mean, would you prefer me to pop open a bottle of champagne?" Pete asked me with a smile.

I sat down next to Max, grabbing a remote also. "I guess I might as well join."

Andy sat down on the floor in front of me. "I play winner!" he said excitedly.


"Yes!" I cried, holding the remote above my head. "You loser!" I yelled at Pete, who was glaring at the tv.

"How did you win?" He asked me, still glaring at the tv as though he were genuinely confused.

"By killing you, duh." Max said, stretching on the couch. 

Pete pointed at Max. "Hey, you. Stay out of this. You died within five minutes."

Max rose their hands. "Alright, alright."

I laughed. "You're just salty cause I'm better than you at video games."

Pete rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

I laughed, simply elated that the tour had finally kicked off and I no longer had to wait. And besides, I was with my favorite people on earth.


Hello, my lovelies! This is my 34th chapter of the book! Sorry I haven't updated for a while, I've been super busy with school!! But anyways, enjoy!

Love from the other side of the screen,

Pebbs XX

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