Chapter 2:The Dream

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It all started on a bright morning...

"Jonah, can you please tell me where you're taking me?" Celeste asked in excitement. Jonah replies "Not yet hon. You'll see when we get to the airport." As the couple were heading to the airport, Celeste stopped begging and slept in the car.

They reached the airport:At the front desk

Employee: Fight768 Doncaster,England

"Yes M'am" Jonah replied Celeste was excited but a bit confused as to why they were going to London.

On the plane

Celeste sat with excitement. Throughout the ride, she was excited to go but at the same time why Doncaster. It was a long plane ride for Celeste but she got through it

After the plane ride

After 5 1/2 long hours on the plane Celeste got out of the plane as if she was running down the stairs on Christmas Day.
She was waiting for her bags but as they were waiting, a group of guys came up to her. Once she turned she was looking at four men that don't look familiar to her.

But once she got in the car with the 5 guys
One being her husband, but he obviously wasn't in a disguise
They all took off their disguises and they revealed themselves as Niall Harry Liam and Louis. Celeste was in shock.

That's when she woke up and realized it was a Dream

Until she gets an unexpected phone call with a caller ID in Doncaster, England...

Sort of a filler chapter but explains part of why this story is called
A Dream That Became A Reality

A Dream That Became A RealityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora