Chapter 7: A Ride Around Town

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September 2027
As Celeste wakes up happily in her comfy bed, she's stuck in Jonah's arms wanting to let go. But she got loose and decided to take a walk herself around the house.

As she walks, she's admired by the house itself. The size of the house shows how much construction has been done. The cool thing was that Jonah was the one who made this happen.

She then reaches the kitchen as she sees Liam making some pancakes at 7:30am.
"Morning love :)" Liam says as he wakes up the tired Celeste. "Mornin Liam. Whatcha makin?" Celeste says in her tired voice.
Liam goes on to say "Well I decided to wake up and you know, make pancakes." Ashe finishes making the pancakes, he hands a plate of a couple to Celeste thanks him starts to eat.

Once she finishes, her and Liam have a chat. Celeste starts "Well Liam, now that your here, does it feel different?"
Liam says "Well, it's been 12 years since we announced the hiatus. It's been a hell of a ride. But the guys and I had our fun and I feel like it was time that we reunite once again." As Liam talks, Celeste writes things in her notebook. Liam asks "Celeste, what are you doing?" Celeste says "Well while I'm here, I thought I should write a couple of songs. One of them is going to be inspired by you guys reuniting once again. Bringing the gold old days back." Liam goes on to ask "Really, are you a singer, songwriter or anything that revolves with music?"
Celeste goes on to say "Well, I've been singing since I was 7. When I sing, it's just a time for me to just have fun and let loose. I write songs when I either get inspired by something or just for fun. Some of the songs I write are cheesy but some mof them I really like and would one day be able to record them and release them."
Liam says "Wow that's nice. You never know. One day you might get that chance ;)"

Once Liam and Celeste finish up their chat, all of the other 5 guys come down.

Once they all were together, Louis started to suggest something "Come come children as I have some news for plans on today. I think we should show Celeste around London hence it's her first time in this city."
Everyone agreed as they all went upstairs to get dressed.

After getting ready, the guys didn't look like themselves.

Celeste goes to ask "Guys, are you sure you've got the right clothes on?"
Zayn goes and says "Well, we wouldn't want to come with bodyguards right. So we'll wear these disguises so no one will recognize us."
Celeste laughed and Jonah said "Don't worry. They only did this with me when they were showing me around the city too ;)"

As they headed out to the car, someone spotted them and they all rushed to the car and left.

As Louis was driving, they went to their first stop which was the Tower Bridge. Celeste was shocked at how huge it was. They walked around for a bit there till they went back to the car.

Before they headed to their next stop, Niall told Celeste "Celeste, cut some slack on us cause this is kinda our first, no second time. All we know is how to take you to places and have fun. So if you want to know the history of these attractions, that's what google is there for."
They all laughed and headed to the second place.

As they were heading to the Tower of London. Celeste asked to turn on the radio. They listened to songs like God's Plan, Thinking our loud, and many others. But when Lights Down Low by MAX played, Celeste suggested that they all sang.
Once it got to the high part, Celeste attempted to hit it and she did. The guys were amazed and applauded. Celeste said "Thanks Guys ;)" Zayn said "Damn u can hit high notes better than Harry and I combined ;)" Then the last song that played before they reached the Tower of London was none other than What Makes You Beautiful. They all sang their hearts out and had fun.

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