Chapter 12:Flashback Part 1

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10 Years Ago
September 2017
Celeste's P.O.V.

8:30 AM
"Celeste, get up and get ready for Karate!" Mom said
"Okay!" I yelled.

I stalled but ended up getting ready. Karate on Saturdays wasn't my thing. Well you would know. I'm a night owl. To wake up on a Saturday was not my jam.

I got there so early so my sister could help out at the class.
It was the first Saturday since coming in June. I juts wish it was still Summer Vacation. Just so I didn't have to come.

I knew which people were coming. I've done this since I was 8. I met these people along the way. Some of them even go to my school. Some I just see at the karate place.

As usual, I put my earbuds in and listen to my 1D music. It was 2 years or more since 1D went on hiatus. Since then, I would listen to their music so much. One Direction will be my all time favourite band. They have been doing good since the hiatus. Harry had released his album in May. Niall has released some music here and there. So has Liam. Then in July, Louis released "Back To You" featuring Bebe Rexha. It has been one of my favourites since it released.

I mean, the guys doing their own thing shows their way of music. But I prefer listening to songs with them together. It just brings back so many memories from them and the times where One Direction preformed in X Factor.
I may be 14, but I watched all of those vids on YouTube.
Some of the songs bring little tears cause I know they're not together anymore. But since the hiatus, my hopes for a reunion stayed. I never doubted that they wouldn't get together.
I've always had hope.

So, enough of my ranting.

Now, it has been a half an hour since I got there. The class is usually 1 1/2 hours. It's really boring.
I don't teach there cause the kids are usually rowdy.
You know, at the end of my class, they make you sweep. Like why.

Sorry for the ranting. Just can't help it. 
Anyways, I'm sitting here till one of the guys come. Yes there is majority guys. I sometimes like it and sometimes don't.
I would want one of my friends to come. But I don't want them to feel bored and to come just to be with me.
So I never bothered asking them to join.

Some of the guys and I talked for a long while. I mean, we haven't seen each other since June. I found it okay. This would be one of those times I wouldn't mind the group of guys.

Then, sadly it was time and we had go in. Well I would usually change at 12:30 since I never liked karate. Obviously the teacher that I never liked was there. He was so annoying. He didn't care what anyone thought. So he'd throw the ball at you as hard as he could. His workouts were so full of torture. But then as we were doing our second set of laps, I noticed someone coming in. It was Jonah.

Jonah's P.O.V.

Well it's my first day heading to that karate place I live near by. I went there around May and saw what it was like.

When I went in May, I saw someone I never thought I'd see. I saw Celeste. Okay, we went to the same school. But since I went to the extended French program at grade 4, we never talked. But I talked to her friend Julie.

So I'm literally just getting up. It's 11:00 AM and my mom said the class stared at 12:30 PM. So I went onto Snapchat to send some streaks. I wasn't that type of person to do streaks. But I did them and it's hard to keep them. Like I know some people who have streaks for more than 365 days. I don't know how they do it. But they did.

Then it was 11:45 so that's when I decided to get ready.
Since I lived near there, I didn't have to leave that early. I dressed in some sweats and a t-shirt since today I'll be doing the class.

I didn't know what to expect. I was just wondering who would be there. I mean, I saw Celeste back in May. But I don't know if I'll see her again.
Like, I would want to start a conversation with her. But I haven't talked to her in so long. We've seen each other around the halls in school. But that's it.
Why do I feel so nervous?
It's just Celeste.
Well a bit cause of the class I'll be trying out. Well, it shouldn't be different. I was a brown belt in another karate. But I haven't done it in a long while.
So that was one. But the thought of Celeste gave me a different feeling.

It was getting late cause I didn't really want to go.

Then I got there.
Once I opened the door, Celeste looks towards me and I look towards her.

Celeste's P.O.V.

I never thought he'd come. Out of all people. I didn't mind it. It's just I never expected it. I haven't talked to him since like Grade 3! We're in freaking Grade 9! Like 6 years I haven't talked to this guy.
So when we were about to start our second set of exercises, I decided to go beside him so we could talk. So I started to talk.

"Hey, it's been a while."

"Yeah, a long one. How've you been?"

"Fine. You?"

"Fine. How's school coming along?"

"If not knowing where to go on the first week is fine, then I'm doing great."

*They both smile*

"How bout you?" Have you got lost yet?"

"Actually I have"

*Teacher throws ball at Celeste for talking to Jonah*

"You know, you didn't have to do that!"

"Is he always like that"

"Yeah. Ever since the day I came to this place. Like I'd say. Once a jerk. Always a jerk."

"I see"

"But will you be coming late like this? Cause classes on the other days are at 6."


"Okay then"

Annoying Teacher(The Jerk): Okay. Get into your groups according to your belt.

"Well. Looks like I gotta go. You'll have fun. Just get through this jerk today and you'll survive the rest of future classes."


"No problem. I'll see you around k"


*end of convo*


Liam's New Song (video above)
For those that have heard it, what do you think?
Posted this chapter in honour of this song.
Hope you guys liked it
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And I'll see ya on the next chapter

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