Chapter 28: Spring Break Concert Adventure Part 6

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Previously On Spring Break Concert Adventure;

"Okay, So we didn't get an exact location, but this location has to be close. So why not we go there and it can bring us more ideas." Everyone agrees with my idea and all get there shoes on as we all go on an adventure to find Celeste...


Jonah's P.O.V

"So before we leave, do any of you know how to fight?" I say.
All 10 of them are looking at me giving me blank expressions.
"Well, the guys and I know a couple things." Zayn says.
"I know nothing!" Brent says.
"Okay, it's about 8. So, since Celeste and I both have black belts in karate, we're gonna teach you a couple moves. If Celeste was here, she could also teach some Muai Thai. But we'll take a while to learn a couple and hopefully you won't freeze out there." I say.
Everyone nods in agreement and we start.

After teaching everyone a couple moves, we get into the vans.

The guys, I, with Julie and Alison are in the 8-seater while Justin,Chloe, and Brent are in the 5-seater with our weapons. And no, there are no knives or that shiz. There's like sticks and numb chucks and stuff like that. Nothing too harmful. Well just use them if things get out of hand.

Anyways, we get to the location we found
and we all hide somewhere. We then go over the game plan once more. After that, Julie, Alison and Chloe head over to what looks like an abandoned warehouse. Most likely where Celeste is. They go but come back only to tell us that there's 3 guards blocking the entrance.

So from there, we all decided to trash the plan and make a new one.

Louis P.O.V
"Okay, so what's the new plan?" Niall says.
"Wouldn't it be funny if 2 of us dressed up as girls." I say sarcastically.
"Well.........." Liam says with 2 girl wigs.

10 minutes later

"You know, I never meant for this to actually happen!" I say quietly as everyone laughs.
"You know, I'm kinda digging this look." Zayn says.
"Well, Okay Veronica." (If you know where the name is from, comment below)
"Okay, Louise. Yea that's your disguise name." Zayn says.
"Okay guys. The plan is for Zayn and I to be girls and distract the guards. Then the rest of you barge through the doors and let the mayhem begin." I say. They all nod and then Zayn and I start to head for the warehouse.

I don't know how girls do it, but high heels are unbelievably uncomfortable. Once we get to the warehouse, Zayn and I use our high pitch voices and start to grab attention.

"Oh, my my. What do we have here?" Zayn says.
"Uh, are you guys lost?" One of the guards say. I still think to myself of how stupid this is. But then Zayn nudges me hard so I say "Um, yes sir. Please help us find our way."
The second guard then look at the first guard then at us and says "Uhh... we're not sure if we can leave. We can get other people to..." I stop his sentence by saying "Oh please sir help us now. Our friends are going to be worried sick."
The guard still seemed so unsure so Zayn being Zayn begins to throw a tantrum.

He gets his best fake tears out and says "Oh please officer. We've both had the worst day. We got fired from our jobs, my boyfriend broke up with me. And I..."
   The first officer stops Zayn by saying "Okay ma'am we'll help you." Zayn and I put our best smiles and say in unison "Thank you."
As the guards begin to take us, I say quietly into the earplug "The entrance is clear."

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