Chapter 21:New Years Kiss

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December 31, 2027

It's been a week since all of the madness from our Christmas week. Yes. Christmas week. There was Christmas. Then Boxing Day. And from that day there were 2 birthday parties for Annabelle who turned 2 on the 28 and Lilly who turned 2 on the 30th. So I decided to call this past week Christmas week.

But today will be another party as we're inviting all of our families once again for a New Years Eve Party.

We all got ready and headed to Party City once again. This time to get things for the New Years Party. Stuff like glasses, confetti poppers, balloons, and many more fun stuff. The girls stayed at home with the kids while we get the stuff.

Once we get home, it's about 2 and all of our families are at the house. We talk for a while and then we get the party set up. There's a few more people coming which is basically all of our friends.

It's now 5 and we then hear the doorbell. It was Julie and Lucy at the door. A couple minutes later and all of the guys friends arrive at the house with their wives and kids. There's now maybe over 15 kids under 5 at our house.

We all eat and chat until the New Years Eve Bash on CNN comes on. The kids are all asleep after playing a bunch with each other.

When we got on a break, we all see Niall and Hailee whispering about something. Then Louis says "Whatcha guys whispering bout?"
All of the girls except me smile and we then know something's going on.
Then Niall starts to say "Well guys, I never thought I'd say this but in 9 months....there's gonna be another baby Horan !"
We all start to scream and shout and cheer. We didn't even care if the neighbours knocked at our door cause of the noise. All of us are thrilled after hearing the news.

Then we all calm down and the show is back on.

Alice's P.O.V
Now, I haven't came in on the band. Well, I almost had them at the mall. But they're too cute and too fast. Looks like they know The Flash and he gave them some lessons.

Anyways, since I didn't get them at the mall, I'm at the house right now. Since they're all in the living room watching the New Years Eve show, this gives me a chance to play a little. You know, I thought that doors like the back patio would be locked, but looks like it's open.

I start by heading to the basement area.
Looks like they've got a lot down here. When I came to the house, I only stayed at the main floor.

Wow, I never knew there was a mini studio. But, I've already messed up their music.

I keep walking to see a theatre. But what can I do in there.

I keep walking to see the other door lead to a indoor pool. I have this colour-changing antidote. Place that in there and the pool colour would change.

I then walk to a small door which leads to a elevator.

I go inside the elevator going up to the rooms.

Now, maybe I can steal one of Celeste's favourite jewelry. She did tell me about that necklace Jonah got her for her birthday last year. I'll find that and take the elevators downstairs.

These people are so dumb they don't even hear anything from where I am.

I find the necklace and take the elevator down to the basement to exit from indoor pool door leading to the outdoor pool. The pool is near a gate. But once I step foot into the ground, the alarms go off and I dash out of the house.

Celeste's P.O.V
Calvin looks at Jonah and I looking for the Okay. He's been wanting to propose to Ariana since the day he met her. I remember him telling me. I felt so excited for her.

Once a performance that we didn't care about came on, he went for it.

"Ariana, come up."
My little sis stands in confusion. She looks at me and I give her a comforting smile.

"Ariana, ever since I met you, you are the most absolute amazing thing that has ever happened to me. Your smile makes me want to smile and your eyes give a charm I will never get old of. I love it when I'm with you cause you bring out the best in me. Being with you has been the best 2 years I've ever had with anyone. Everyday, you just act as you and it's the most amazing thing to see. Every time we're apart, I miss you more than ever. One day, I've dreamt of wanting the girl of my dreams."

The best part is yet to come, he goes down on one knee and takes her hand.

"Ariana Sheir, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

Ariana is in full tears ever since he said the speech. She nods her head and says yes repeatedly.

All of us are so happy for the two of them. Especially me. I remember Ariana gushing about him after we saw him at the mall that day. The day she called him, I knew these two would work. They're so cute together and I'm glad Ariana found her Prince Charming. She said yes even before the ring came out. That's how you know they're meant to be.

After the cheers and the congrats to the two and pictures, we then hear the alarms go out. I ask the Alexa "Alexa, where were the sensors activated?"
She responded with "At 10:49 in the outdoor pool area.

We all get up and rush to the pool. No one is there. Looks like they escaped.

But, we enjoy the rest of the show until the countdown came on.


Then we  got our poppers ready to pop.

5.....4.....3.....2.....1......HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!

And that's when everyone got their spouses and did the New Years kiss.

It was so much fun watching the show. Everyone that came left and it's 1 in the morning. Then all of us head to bed since tomorrow is the last day that everyone is here till they have to go back to their homes.

The Next Morning

Celeste's P.O.V
"Jonah!! Did you see my necklace?"
"Which one?!"
"The one you got me for my birthday last year!"
"Haven't seen it!"

As I'm getting ready, I'm trying to find the necklace that Jonah got me for my birthday last year.

Once he's ready he asks me "Did you find it?"
"I can't. I literally left it here." I say with my hands covering my face. That necklace meant a lot. It was a small gift that lead me to all of this. My career.

Once the guys and I got ready, we go to the computer to check the security cameras to see who was here last night. After finding the time we heard the alarms, the person doesn't show since it's so dark.

So we do some further research and look at the footage in the other rooms to see if anything happened.

After some more searching we see something at 10:24 in the indoor pool. Once we see someone, I recognized that blonde hair from anywhere. It was Alice! She was here last night. Then we go more into the footage and there's footage on her in my room. She took the necklace.

"Guys! What are we going to do?!?" I say.
"We'll have to see. But for now, we need to make sure ALL doors are locked. We can't have any more intrusions like this ever again." Louis says.

Hey guys!
I'm back with a new chapter!

On my profile, I've created a short story called "The Long Awaited Hangout"
It's like an inside story on Celeste and Jonah before all of this came along.
Hope you guys read that

In a few more chapters, I have something special planned for this story so keep reading to find out.

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And I'll see you on the next chapter

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