Jumping Into Your Love

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  Posted: August 31, 2017  

Requested?: Yup! Thanks anon~

Words: 1.7k

Group: BTS

Member(s): J-Hope


As two ridiculously broke college students, you and your boyfriend, Hoseok, have to come up with more... "creative" dates since paying for McDonald is way too expensive. By creative, you mean borderline illegal stuff. Once you and Hoseok had gone to your local bridge, tied a rope to each other, and jumped off on the opposite sides so that the rope prevented the two of you from falling to your deaths. It was close enough to bungee jumping... You had actually been caught by the police, but luckily, they were convinced by Hoseok's dancing to let you two go.

It is almost your two year anniversary and both you and Hoseok are planning for your next date. Planning is tougher than it sounds because most things you want to do are either too expensive or illegal.

"Hobi, can't we just go eat at a fancy restaurant and give them a fake card?"

"What? No! It would be too obvious, dummy," Hoseok chuckled and pat your head, "or we could eat there and work until we pay our debt."

"Jung Hoseok...we don't have time for that. We barely get any sleep already."

"But (y/n)! I'll be able to spend more time with you that way. Don't you want that?"

"Hobi, we're roommates and we have literally all our classes together..."

"Yeah, but when you sleep, you don't get to see me. So if we get less sleep, we can see each other even more!"

"Oh my gosh, please. What kind of logic is that?"

"My logic obviously."

"Hobi, I love you and all, but I really need sleep."

"Oh, that's true... You're right. I would hate to see you pass out in the middle of the day."

"I'm always right, silly~"

With that, Hoseok lets out a little groan and crosses his arm over his well-built chest, pouting like a little kid. You shake your head while chuckling and continue thinking. You tap the pencil you are holding lightly against your chin.

"Hmm, this is harder than I thought," you muse to yourself.

"Oh! Oh! What if we go scuba diving using homemade cardboard equipment?"

"Hobi, we'll drown..."

"Pshh~ we won't drown."

You raise an eyebrow and look over to your sunshine of a boyfriend with a pointed look.

"Okay, okay, fine. Do you think we should ask one of the boys for help, (y/n)?"

"Hmm...that's not a bad idea," you nod.

"Alright! I'll call Namjoon first," Hoseok picks up his phone and dials the number immediately.

"I'll call Jimin," you offer.


"Ugh! Why are none of them helpful?" you let out a pained cry.

"There there, honey," Hoseok stops to fix your messed up hair, "we still have Jungkook we can call."

"You're right, we can't give up on our second anniversary!"

"Alright! That's the spirit!"

"Random dance session!" you screech as you got up to boogie.

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