
295 1 0

Posted: September 12, 2017

Requested?: Yup yup, thanks anon! Sorry for taking so long.

Words: 1.9k


Member(s): Seungsik


"Listen, I think we should break up."

You instantly regret letting those words out of your mouth, but there is no turning back. It is for the best anyway. Your boyfriend...well ex-boyfriend, Seungsik, had debuted almost a year ago and you are going to debut soon. You are afraid that both of you will get hate and receive a bad reputation for the company. Dating scandals coming from rookie idols aren't the best. All you want is the best for the company, VICTON, and your upcoming group.

"What?" a shaky voice interrupts your train of thought.

You had been so absorbed in your thoughts for the past minute that you almost forgot what kind of situation you are in. You bit your lips, trying to peel the dead skin off. You take a shaky breath before trying to explain.

"I said...we should break up. I don't want your group to get hate because of some dating scandal or anything. Also, I don't want the company to get a bad reputation along with our sunbaes..." you begin to ramble, a habit of yours when you get nervous.

"Hey, we'll work something out, okay?" Seungsik reaches for your hand and you can tell that he has calmed a little from a few seconds ago.

"No, we can't...we'll get caught!" you insist.

Seungsik shakes his head out of frustration, "No. We can definitely figure it out. If I can figure out how to get Subin to stop tossing his cat onto Hanse, then we can figure this out."

"Seungsik! It's not that simple!"

"Yes, it is! Just trust me will you?"

You look into his eyes for the first time since announcing the bad news. Your eyes well up and you regret looking up. Hurt and betrayal are evident in his large, brown eyes. You instantly regret even opening your mouth as soon as he lets your hands go, leaving you with no warmth whatsoever.

"Look, I–"

"No, let's just break up...if it makes you happy," Seungsik turns his back to you, "I'll still be here if you need me. I'm always here to help, okay?"

You know he means what he says, but just his act of turning around truly broke your heart. You didn't mean for it to go this way. "Why didn't I just listen to him?" you ponder to yourself.

You groan and slide down the wall you hadn't realized you had backed up against. The tears that had collected in your eyes finally started dripping down your face drop by drop. Soon, the drops turned into waterfalls and you let out all your tears.

"Hey, you alright?" a soft yet familiar voice asks.

You look up to find Zen (yeah I know, he's from MysMe but that game is lit), a trainee that you have been training with for the longest time. You and him are quite close...some even call the two of you best friends.

"Uh...I'm fine," you mutter, wiping away the tears.

"Clearly not. I just asked just in case it was actually just allergies," Zen tries to lighten the mood.

His attempt is successful and you laugh a little. However, your sadness quickly overpowers your happiness again and you sigh. Trying to hold in your tears, you fan your eyes and red face. You feel a muscular arm gently place itself around your shoulders and pull you in.

☁️Dream☁️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora