
258 7 0

Posted: March 22, 2018

Requested?: Yup

Words: 1.1k

Group: Produce 101/Idol Producer

Member(s): Justin (feat. Yuehua squad)

A/N: Thanks for requesting, anon! I really liked this request lol it was fun to write. I hope you enjoy it~


Being the good girlfriend you are, you immediately set off to find your boyfriend after he had texted you. Justin had asked for you to bring him his water bottle since he accidentally left it at your place when he came over last night. You quickly grabbed a random sweater on the edge of the bed, slipping into it easily. You pull on some leggings as you hop over to the kitchen to find Justin's bottle. You fill it up with icy water before grabbing your phone and heading out the door.

Luckily for you, your house is actually quite close to Yuehua's building. You put in your earbuds and hum softly to yourself as you make your way to the building. Finally, you arrive at the door and you take out your earbuds and open the door. You give a small nod to the receptionist who returns it with a small smile.

You text Justin again for the room number of the room he is practicing it. He texts you back and tells you to wait for a little while before coming in since they are in the middle of a lesson. You sigh, shaking your head, faking offense, but a smile makes its way onto your face. You take your time to stroll through the corridors until you find the room and you lean against the wall, waiting for Justin to come out.

Five minutes later, the door opens and Justin's singing instructor comes out. You bow, catching the attention of the teacher. He nods back before walking away. Before the door can fully close, a foot jams itself in between the crack.

Justin peeks out and his face brightens as soon as he spots you right outside. He steps out and closes the door behind him, pulling you into a tight hug. You giggle and hug him back, patting his head.

"Here, your water bottle," you pull away, handing him the bottle.

"Ah, thanks. You're a lifesaver, y/n! I've been singing for the whole morning and I thought I was going to start coughing out blood or something," Justin dramatically sighs.

"Wow yeah, because singing for three hours straight can cause your throat to bleed," you snicker, reaching up and brushing the hair out of Justin's eyes.

"Hey, you try it sometime," Justin protests before gulping down mouthfuls of water.

"Alright, should I go now? Or do you need anything else?" you ask.

"Can you stay? Oh—" Justin suddenly stops talking.

"What?" you ask, as Justin scans you up and down.

"You look super cute in my sweater," Justin giggles, his cheeks flushing.

"Oh, I hadn't realized. I just picked it up because it was on the bed," you laugh.

Justin squeals and pulls you into a tight hug, spinning you around. You giggle and pat Justin's back. Just as he finishes spinning you around, the door is opened again and Chengcheng and Zhengting's heads pop out.

"Hey y/n! Luckily you're here. Justin was about to die," Zeren laughs as he also appears from behind the door.

"What? I was not–" Justin is cut off by the sound of Quanzhe squealing.

"Hey, I recognize that sweater! Isn't that yours, Justin?" Quanzhe teases.

"Oh yeah. You were wearing that yesterday," Xinchun adds, also noticing.

You laugh, glancing up at Justin who begins pouting. He covers up his reddening face with his hands. You feel your own cheeks warming up and you hide behind your boyfriend a little. You hear Justin groan as the others continued to tease.

"Aww did you leave your sweater at her house on purpose?" Zhengting snickers.

"We all heard you squeal earlier," Wenjun laughs.

"Stop it, you guys. I didn't leave it there on purpose, I just forgot!" Justin cries out, turning around to bury his face into the crook of your neck.

However, since he is much taller than yourself, he had bent down quite a bit. You giggle and pat his butt lightly. Justin simply whines and shakes his head, wrapping his long arms around you. You roll your eyes playfully and mouth "baby" to the others who simply nodded in agreement.

"Okay Justin, stop clinging onto y/n. We need to keep practicing," Zhengting finally speaks up, reminding them of their busy schedules.

"Ugh, alright. Can y/n stay though?" Justin begs.

"Sure, but only if you promise she won't distract you," Zhengting cocks an eyebrow.

"I promise!" Justin straightens, saluting the older boy.

Zhengting rolls his eyes before pulling the rest of you in the room. You find a chair and pull it across the room so that you are facing the mirror from the back of the room. You smile as the boys line up into their positions.

You watch the boys dance, proud of them for doing so well. Your eyes naturally gravitate towards your boyfriend. You notice that Justin has a goofy smile on his face, through the reflection of the mirror, although the song they are dancing to has quite a serious concept. You smirk and give him a small thumbs up which causes Justin's grin to widen.

"Justin, expression!" Zhengting shouts, continuing to dance.

"Sorry," Justin pouts as he attempts to drop his smile.

You giggle at the sight of Justin failing to keep a serious expression. Justin notices you chuckling to yourself and he bursts out laughing, only to be scolded by Zhengting again. He gives you a teasing glare before focusing on the song again. You roll your eyes, wondering how you ever started to date this dork.

You sigh a little as Justin clings to you the whole way the two of you walk home. Once you arrive, you toss Justin onto the couch and lay on top of him. He lets out a small 'oof' before wrapping his arms around you, snuggling his face into your hair.

"You're so cute. You should wear my clothes more often," Justin mumbles, a sigh of contentment accompanying his words.

"Thanks?" you giggle, a little unsure of what else to say.

"Maybe I should 'accidentally' leave more of my things at your house," Justin laughs a little sleepily.

"Sure, but why don't you get to bed? You've been practicing the whole day," you whisper softly, turning around so that you are facing him.

"Mmm...but you have to stay with me so we can cuddle," Justin smiles, his eyes closed.

"Whatever you want, babe," you grin to yourself, stroking his fluffy hair.

"You know, I hate to admit that the others are right," Justin begins.

"Yeah?" you push him to continue.

"I am whipped for you," Justin groans lightly, hiding his face into your neck.

"I know...we all know," you giggle.

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