
196 8 0

Posted: April 19, 2018

Requested?: yup ^^

Words: 1.2k

Group: NCT U/127

Member(s): Jaehyun

A/n: This one I just pumped out in an instant and I think it turned out pretty good. I really loved this request and it was super fun to write. It's super fluffy lol and I feel like Jaehyun is the type of boyfriend to cuddle with talking about stressful things. I hope you guys enjoy~


NCT Jung Jaehyun and Soloist Y/n Dating?

You gasp and immediately slam your phone down after reading the title. You begin to panic and you pace around, folding your hands together. Quickly picking up your phone again, you dial Jaehyun's number. You rush into your bedroom, sitting on the bed nervously waiting for Jaehyun to pick up. Your hands tremble as you lightly draw soothing patterns on your own leg.

"Hey, what's up baby?" Jaehyun picks up, greeting you happily.

"Uh, Jae...have you seen the headlines?" you nervously gulp.

"Not yet. I've been practicing all day. What's up?" he asks.

"You might want to see it right now. Don't come over though," you sigh.

"Oh? Okay, I'll be right back then," Jaehyun is clearly confused.

"Yeah, call me back, okay?" you say, messing your hair up.

"Mhm, bye babe," Jaehyun hangs up.

You sigh and toss your phone across the bed, laying down on the bed. You close your eyes and you cover your face with your hands. Of course, you and Jaehyun really love each other and SM knows the both of you are dating, but they haven't given you any cues to tell the public yet so both of you have tried to stay low.

Unfortunately, the two of you have been found out. You reach for your phone and look through the article, scrolling through the pictures attached. The pictures are quite dark since the date had been at night, but it was obvious that it was you and Jaehyun since both your hair colors have been dyed a brighter color.

Your phone began to ring and you immediately pick up. You sit up on the bed, resting on one arm while the other held the phone loosely by your ear.

"Y/n, I think we should talk about this in person," you hear Jaehyun sigh quietly on the other end.

"I just don't want people to suspect anything further," you lightly bite on your lips.

"I know, baby, but this is serious. We should also talk to our managers about it," you hear Jaehyun's keys jingling.

"Alright, but be quick. See you in a few," you sigh.

"Bye, baby. We'll figure it out," you hear Jaehyun leave the room he is in.

"Jae!" you quickly usher your boyfriend in.

"Hey, baby," Jaehyun smiles, kissing your head.

"Ugh, I really don't wanna talk about this," you sigh, looking down.

"We can cuddle while we're at it," Jaehyun chuckles, his dimples on full display.

"I can deal with that," you giggle, pulling Jaehyun onto the couch.

As soon as the two of you got into a comfortable position, with Jaehyun being the big spoon, brushing his fingers through your hair, he doesn't hesitate to speak. You listen quietly, playing with his fingers.

"Obviously, they'd be bound to find out one day, right? I think the worst case scenario would just be that we have to break up. We should talk this through with our managers and see how they want to deal with it," Jaehyun reasons.

"That makes sense. Even if we break up, we could possibly get back together when the time is better?" you propose.

"Of course, I love you," you feel Jaehyun nod, his head resting in the crook of your neck.

"I love you too," you smile to yourself, knowing everything will be fine since you still have Jaehyun.

"Y/n, Jaehyun, we understand that both of you have been dating for a while already," your manager begins.

"Of course we want the best for the two of you," Jaehyun's manager nods.

"So, do we have to break up? Or we could just try harder," Jaehyun's grip on your hand tightens.

"We promise we won't cause any more trouble, really!" you squeeze Jaehyun's hand back.

You look with a worried expression as both your managers exchange a look, chuckling a bit. They both turn to you and Jaehyun with a sincere smile on their faces. Seeing their kind faces and having Jaehyun stroking your thumb with his own, calms you a little.

"No need to worry. We both feel that it is the right time to reveal your relationship to the public," your manager gives you a thumbs up.

"Since all SM artists are going to Dubai soon, you will reveal it there," Jaehyun's manager smiles.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you, thank you!" Jaehyun bolts up from his chair, shaking both yours and his managers' hands.

"Really, we really appreciate this. Thank you for trusting us," you bow, feeling tears of happiness coming to your eyes.

"Both of you have worked hard. See you soon," your manager pats your back before leaving the room.

You look over at Jaehyun once both managers have left. He reveals his dimples, his smile is bright. You practically leap onto him, crying into his shoulder. You hear him laugh and feel his hand gently rubbing your back.

"Jae, we didn't have to break up! You're still my boyfriend," you wipe your tears away, looking up at him.

"And, you're still my girlfriend," Jaehyun giggles, leaning down to kiss you.

Destination: Dubai

You wriggle in your seat a little, giving a quick glance at Jaehyun who simply smiles back at you. Blushing a little, you turn back to the interviewer and you hear the crowd shriek, causing you to blush even more.

"So, we have heard that Jaehyun, from NCT, and y/n are in a relationship. Can you confirm this?" the interviewer asks, looking at the both of you.

A mic is handed to both you and Jaehyun. You look down shyly and Jaehyun takes your hand in his, causing another round of shrieks.

"Yes, we've been dating for about half a year now," Jaehyun smiles proudly.

"P-please take care of us," you stutter into the mic.

You hear the crowd chanting 'kiss' over and over again. Soon, all the NCT members and other SM artists began chanting along. You cover your blushing face, but Jaehyun turns you around to face him and pry your hands off.

"We gotta give them what they want, baby," Jaehyun smirks.

"But, Jae~" you whine, embarrassed.

Jaehyun responds by smashing his lips into yours. Taken by surprise, your eyes widen, but you quickly recover and close your eyes, placing your hands on his face. You feel Jaehyun smile into the kiss, causing you to do the same.

It feels like the two of you have been kissing for forever and the crowd cheers. You giggle a little, the kiss getting a bit more intense. You hear Taeyong yell, covering yours and Jaehyun's faces with his hands.

"Keep it PG, you guys!" Taeyong laughs, shielding the two of you from the crowd.

You hear a wave of disappointed groans and you pull away from the kiss, laughing. While Taeyong's hands are still covering the two of you, you sneak in another short kiss before whispering 'I love you'.

"I love you too," Jaehyun whispers back, smiling at you proudly.

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