Trust Me

183 6 2

Posted: May 13, 2018

Requested?: Yup, sorry for the wait!

Words: 3.2k

Group: Idol Producer

Member(s): Yanchen (feat. Gramerie bois)

A/n: Omg I'm so sorry for the wait! I've been pretty busy the past week and I haven't really gotten any inspiration recently, but this one is finally done! I hope you guys enjoy it~


You've always known Yanchen as the smiley and sunny guy he is. His pearly whites nearly blind you whenever he's smiling. However, you also know the darker and more dangerous side of Yanchen. It came as quite a surprise to you that someone so bright could be in such a dark position.

You and Yanchen met each other in college and both of you are in the same dance class and both of you often partner up. Soon enough, the two of you practically become best friends. You also get to know a few of Yanchen's friends and have become close with them too.

Gradually, you begin to find yourself falling in love with Yanchen. Everything he did just made you so happy and watching him smile makes you want to smile. His dancing became an inspiration for your own and he's the one who motivates you to practice more and dance harder. Yanchen became your sun.

"Hey, y/n," Yanchen's voice brings you out of your thoughts.

"Oh, yeah? What's up?" you ask, shaking your head a little.

Both of you had partnered up again for yet another project and both of you decided to take a small break. You look over at Yanchen and you feel butterflies in your stomach. How could someone still look so good after dancing for hours and hours nonstop? You're just a sweaty tomato at this point, but Yanchen looks like he just stepped out the shower.

"Can you get my phone for me, please?" Yanchen points over to his bag, lying in the corner of the room next to yours.

"Oh, yeah, of course," you nod, reaching over.

You dig through his bag until you found his phone. As you pull it out, a hoard of texts starts coming in. The buzzing startles you and you peek down to see that Xingjie is spamming Yanchen with messages. It shocks you a little since Xingjie never spams anyone. Maybe it was different with Yanchen.

"Xingjie is texting you a lot," you hum, trying to read what he's sent.

Yanchen plucks the phone out of your hands before you can read anything. He gives you a small smile and you smile back sheepishly. Normally, Yanchen wouldn't mind you reading through his texts, but maybe this was important.

Yanchen scrolls through the texts, mumbling to himself before looking over at you again, "I'm so sorry, y/n. I have to go now."

"Ah, it's alright," you shrug, a little disappointed that your time with Yanchen has been cut short.

"Maybe we can practice longer another day. Take care and make sure to get home safely!" Yanchen quickly packs his stuff and he's out the door within seconds.

After Yanchen had left, you silently pout by yourself while dancing. You really want to impress Yanchen through this project so you decide to put your all into this one. You always do your best, but this time you're testing your limits.

Time flies as you continue to dance, only stopping for a minute to drink some water or use the restroom. Finally, you decide it's time to go home. It's already two in the morning and your stomach grumbles, reminding you that you haven't had dinner yet. Sighing, you pack your bags and set out to find a place that opens 24/7.

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