District 9

211 4 1

Posted: March 30, 2018

Requested?: Nope

Words: 9.3k

Group: Stray Kids

Member(s): All members, but mostly Chan (feat. Bambam)

A/N: I'm so sorry this is so late, but in honors of our boys finally debuting, here's your classic dystopian/post-apocalyptic AU :') I imagined it as sort of a crossover of Attack on Titan and The Maze Runner? I wrote this as completely platonic relationships, but feel free to interpret it however you'd like lol. Yeah...I hope you enjoy~ Also, since this one is a long one, I'll put it under the cut ^^


"Chan! Open up!" you pound on the door, kicking away overgrowth.

A muffled 'coming!' can be heard from inside. You smile at the sight of Chan's smiling face as he peeks out the door. He opens the door fully open and lets you in. He gives you a tight hug before ushering you in and calling for the others.

"Hey, we were starting to get worried about you, y/n," Chan gives you a light pat on the back.

"You don't have to worry about me...you know I have my ways," you grin, setting your backpack down by the table.

Soon, the eight other boys come rushing out of their rooms, all running towards you. Before you can duck away from their attack, they all hop onto you, causing you to fall over, bringing them down with you. You screech as they take turns flattening themselves on you and basically squeezing the life out of you with their hugs.

"Y/n, you're back!" Jisung giggles, finally helping you up.

"We missed you so much~" Jeongin grins, spreading his arms wide open, showing you just how much they had missed you.

"Haha, I missed you guys too. Now I'm back and I'm here to stay!" you smile, clasping your hands together.

The guys let out a cheer and wrap you into a giant bear hug. You stay in the midst of their arms, embracing the moment, basking in the warmth of the body heat. You think back to the day you had first met them and you are glad that you had stuck around.


You had just run away from home after failing a test. This is the first time that has ever happened and you are scared. Not many people in this society have ever failed, much less get a bad score. You have heard of stories about the people who didn't do well. They were all cast out and sent to die outside of the protective walls. So far, you have heard that only a few people have been cast out. Everyone calls them Stray Kids because they are all left to become strays outside the walls.

Now, it was more normal for younger children to get scores a little less than perfect. Your parents reassured you, but you still weren't sure. As people grow older, they are expected to become perfect. You didn't like the word since your parents constantly lecture you about being the best that you can. As a ten-year-old, there really is nothing to worry about since it is usually at the age of thirteen is when people are expected to become perfect. However, being the stubborn ten-year-old you are, you decide to run away. You never liked the idea of fitting in. You wanted to be rebellious without getting into too much trouble. You just wanted to be free.

Unfortunately for you, in this society, even young children are being taught to be their best. It is becoming more and more common for even younger children to receive all perfect scores. You have received countless of bad scores and you can't take it anymore.

As soon as you got out of school, you decided not to go home. Your rebellious side begins to show up, making you more and more curious about what is outside the walls, much less your district. There are a total of 8 districts and you lived in the last one. You mindlessly wander about, no particular destination in mind. You sigh, kicking around loose pebbles as you take your time, strolling around. You adjust your backpack once in a while.

☁️Dream☁️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang