A Wedding Cake to Seal the Deal

231 6 8

Posted: March 21, 2018

Requested?: Nahhh

Words: 2.4k

Group: Idol Producer

Member(s): Zhangjing (feat. Zhengting)

A/N: Rip I was just inspired by a prompt I saw and quickly wrote it down. I hope you enjoy it and that it's not too bad. Also, apologies if Zhangjing is a bit OOC, I wrote this in a bit of a hurry.


Recently, many of your friends have been getting engaged and married. They would all ask you to come and be their bridesmaid, which you agreed to. Usually, you would be completely against these events, but they are your friends...and there is free cake. So for the past few months, you had consumed about ten pounds of cake or something.

You'd think that you'd be sick of cake by now, but apparently not. After the weddings have stopped and your work has been getting busier and busier, you have been craving for cake more and more. However, you can't just buy five cakes because it's expensive. You find yourself revisiting one of the wedding cake shops your friend had bought her cake from. They offer free samples for engaged couples and their cakes are just the absolute best.

The only thing stopping you from eating the cakes is that you aren't engaged, you don't even have a boyfriend, and that shop is just too expensive for your broke self. You pout, sitting on your couch thinking about ways to steal a cake. You search online for ideas, but there have been no useful results.

"Ugh, maybe I should just ask someone to be engaged to me and then we can both get free cake or something," you mindlessly mumble to yourself.

You sigh, absentmindedly scrolled for a few minutes before realizing that you are an absolute genius. The corners of your mouth immediately draw up into a big smile, your eyes gleaming with excitement. Quickly going onto Facebook, you post a note, hoping someone would respond.

Hey, does anyone want to be fake engaged to me for some free wedding cake samples? Please respond, thanks!

You lick your lips excitedly as you immediately start getting notifications. However, your brows scrunch together and you frown in disappointment. They were only from your friends commenting on getting a boyfriend first. Amidst all your friends' comments, you manage to find one posted by a guy named You Zhangjing. Both of you had gone to the same high school, but never really talked. You are honestly a little surprised since neither of you really know each other at all. The only thing you remember is that he has a butt load of friends and an enormous appetite.

Cake you say? Count me in! ^^

You giggle at the little emoji at the end, quickly typing up a response, telling him to meet you at a nearby cafe. He responds back with a quick 'gotcha' and you nod before throwing your phone onto the couch and getting up to change.

You toss on a sweater over your tank top and pull on some jeans instead of your sweatpants. You rush to grab a small bag with your wallet, charger, and earbuds inside. You leap towards your couch, snatching your phone before sliding into your shoes and head out the door.

You put in your earbuds, humming softly to the music as you skip your way over to the cafe. Luckily, it is only a block away and you go there often after work for a quick snack. The staff knows you well as you have become a regular there.

"Hey, how are you, y/n?" Zhenting greets you at the door. He smiles at you, as usual, waiting for customers to walk in.

"I'm great. I get to have some cake today," you giggle, finding a seat for yourself.

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