Practice Makes Perfect

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Posted: April 20, 2019 (blaze it lmao)

Requested?: Yup, ty anon!

Words: 1.5k

Group: UNINE

Member(s): Jia Yi

A/n: Omg I'm so glad he debuted!! He has been my #1 pick since the beginning hehe~ Anyway, I'm sorry this took so long, but I hope you enjoy it ^^


Approaching the practice room, you heard the low, pounding bass from behind the closed door. You could feel the thumping from underneath you and you cautiously open the door, peeking in. You smiled at the sight.

You crept your way in, making sure the dancer didn't see you and sat in one of the chairs in the corner of the room. You watch happily, swaying your feet back and forth as you watched your boyfriend, Jia Yi, dance to "Baby Don't Stop". You admired each of his sharp, precise movements and couldn't help but swoon at the sight of him dancing so passionately.

The music stopped and you're pulled out of your trance. Jia Yi didn't seem to notice you yet so you decided to sneak up behind him. Just as he bent down to put his water bottle back, you leaped into the air and attached yourself to his broad back, wrapping all four of your limbs around him.

You giggled as he let out a loud, high-pitched scream, stumbling around a little. You held on tight to prevent yourself from crashing into the floor. Finally, he steadied himself and peeled off your limbs. You pouted a little before he crushed you in a suffocating hug.

"Ugh, stop scaring me! How long have you been in here?" you hear a slight whine in his voice.

"I came in about a minute ago," you chuckle, trying to pull yourself out of his death grip, "I saw you dancing."

"What? That's so embarrassing," he huffs.

"Aww, why? You were really good, baby," you comfort him while still trying to escape his sweaty arms.

"You just say that because you're my girlfriend! You kinda have to say it," Jia Yi cries, finally letting you go.

You frown, "No, you really are good...definitely better than me."

"But you don't dance," Jia Yi raises an eyebrow.

"Well, you could teach me," you happily suggest, "The best way to learn is to teach."

Jia Yi looks at you a little suspiciously before agreeing, "Fine, don't come whining at me when it gets too hard."

"I won't," you beam up at your boyfriend and you giggle at the sight of his blushing cheeks.

The two of you started off with some stretches. You silently followed whatever Jia Yi did, watching him carefully through the mirror. His gaze meets yours and the two of you fell into a fit of giggles before settling back into a comfortable silence as you stretched. You couldn't help but admire your boyfriend as he easily bends down and touches his toes with ease.

You finish stretching quickly and Jia Yi stretches one last time before standing up fully. He turns around to face you and cocks his head, thinking about how to start. He gently pulls you along with him so that both of you are closer to the mirror.

"Alright, just follow whatever I'm doing. I'll go slow," he looks at you through the mirror and you give him a determined nod.

Not even five minutes in, you began to realize just how difficult it actually was. You've watched Jia Yi dance to "Baby Don't Stop" and he makes it look like a walk in the park. You've also seen the whole group dance to their songs and they make it seem effortless. A giant pout made its way onto your face and Jia Yi chuckles a little.

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