In Your Arms

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Posted: May 5, 2019

Requested?: This one's for my lovely of this blog uwu

Words: 810

Group: Stray Kids

Member(s): Felix

A/N: My baby asked so I provided :')) Also yes, I'm aware the ending is a little odd, but I didn't know how to end it oof...


"Hey, I know it's been a while since we talked, but I just want to say my last goodbye...and...I never stopped loving you."

Felix giggles at the sound of your voice. He closes his eyes, snuggling closer into your arms, basking in the warmth. He couldn't have been more content...well maybe a few kisses would make this moment even better.

The freckled boy decides to rest and he tries to lull himself to sleep at the sound of your soft voice in the background. He had missed you so much since he is only allowed to see you about one or two times a week. He thrives in every second he is allowed to spend with you. You are a very busy person so it often led Felix to feel lonely, and if he had to be completely honest, it drove him crazy that he isn't able to meet you as often as he wanted.

He pulls your arms tighter around himself and he leans back further into your touch. The soft giggling that comes from behind him comforts him. You're always there for him and he knows it.

"How's your day been?" Felix asks, giving up on taking a nap.

He listens carefully, eyes still closed, as you quietly ramble on about your day. He listens to every word and analyzes them carefully. He frowns when you mention that bothersome coworker you had. He hates it when you're sad or bothered. He just wants to hold you in his arms and comfort you. But, he loves being held by you even more.

"It's okay, baby. Tomorrow will be better," he sighs quietly, trying to give you some relief.

He gives your hand a light squeeze to let you know that he's there for you. He asks you to continue talking to help him sleep. When you had asked about his day, he tells you that he hasn't been able to sleep well recently and how much he had missed you while you were gone.

Just as Felix is about to drift off to sleep, your voice stops. You stop talking and Felix's eyes snap open. The white walls he hates so much simply stare blankly at him. He tugs a bit, but your arms are still wrapped tightly around him. He manages to roll around, a kind of rage in his eyes.

He coldly glares at the old, tired-looking man, sitting just outside, watching him carefully. Felix scowls at him, but the man simply shrugs and stands up.

"Hey, I didn't tell you that you could stop," Felix growls, his deep voice shaking the room despite the volume being so low.

"Sorry, buddy. You know the rules. Time's up," the old man shrugs, picking up the small recorder and walking away.

Felix howls in desperation as soon as the door slams shut. He struggles against the restraints. He rolls and thrashes, but he just can't escape. Hot, angry tears pour out of his eyes and all Felix can see if you.

There you are, laying on the floor. You are as beautiful as always, but there is red everywhere. Felix attempts to reach out to you, but he can't move. He leans down to kiss your mouth, hoping to wake you up. Instead, he's met with cold, dead lips.

Eventually, all the thrashing and screaming drains him out and Felix collapses on the floor, sobbing. He just wants you back.

The two men stand outside of Felix's cell. The old man with the recorder shakes his head silently. The other man observes Felix's tantrum through the other side of the one-sided mirror.

"Poor boy. After his girlfriend passed, he completely lost his sanity," the man sighs.

"Yeah, we should've never brought in those papers and showed him the news," the old man stores the recorder back into his pocket, "He's gotten so much worse since then."

"But he would ask where y/n went," the other man looks away just as Felix drops, "I think we made the right choice to let him know."

"Poor kid has been in there too long." Both men nod in agreement.

"Hey, play that last clip. I hope it calms him down," the man suggested.

"I love you, Felix. I hope you get better soon! I can't wait to hold you in my arms again~"

The two men walk out, making sure to lock the doors. Felix screeches at the sound of your soothing voice coming through the speakers. You promised to visit him in the asylum any time you could (despite having broken up with him for his sake), but you broke your promise. He didn't blame you for that though, because you were dead. Oh, how he wishes he can join you.

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