Early Morning Snacks

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Posted: May 8, 2019

Requested?: Yuppp

Words: 741

Group: Qing Chun You Ni

Member(s): Yechen

A/N: Ugh once again, sorry this took so long ;-; Also this one is short, but I think it's sweet lol. I hope you enjoy it!


You take in a deep breath, inhaling the smell of the freshly cooked ramen. Although it was cold the heat of the ramen warmed you up. Your eyes drifted from your bowl, across the table, and landed on your boyfriend. You smile and look at him. He finally looks up and smiles when he notices you staring.

"Is there something on my face?" Yechen chuckles lightly.

"Yeah," you giggle as he tries to brush whatever is on it off, "There's handsomeness all over your face, babe."

Although his cheeks are already red from the cold, they turn into a darker shade of red. He huffs, taking a big bite of ramen and you laugh. You finally decide to dig into your own noodles. Ramen has never tasted better in your life.

"Mmm...ramen really does taste better at three in the morning," Yechen groans in satisfaction.

"I told you so~" you hum, sipping the soup, "Who needs late night snacks when you can have early morning snacks?"

"How'd you find this place that opens all night?" Yechen asks before taking another large bite of noodles.

"Well, back in high school, my friends and I would stay up late to study often, but the libraries always close so early and we didn't want to disturb our parents. So, we went on a search for somewhere with food. I'm so glad I can finally bring you here as well," you smile, reminiscing the all the times you've pulled all-nighters "studying" with your friends at this small ramen shop.

"Ah~ Well, I'm glad you took us here," Yechen grins up at you from his bowl of noodles.

The two of you take your time finishing up your ramen and just end up talking. The two of you shared embarrassing childhood stories, horrifying high school experiences, and planning for future dates. You hadn't realized how long you've been out until you checked your phone.

"Oh my gosh, Yechen," you panic, "We need to get back to the dorms! It's already five thirty!"

Yechen gasps, "Let's hurry before we get caught."

You and Yechen quickly stand up and run back to the dorms. Luckily, the ramen shop is pretty close so you didn't have to run much. However, since the boys and girls dorm at your college is on the opposite sides of the school, you had to split ways.

"Wait, I'll walk you back," Yechen takes hold of your hand just as you turn away after saying goodbye.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to get in trouble," you look at him worriedly.

"It's okay. I'll be fine," his fingers intertwine with yours.

You feel yourself blush and you look away shyly, "Okay, thanks."

The two of you walk towards your dorm in comfortable silence. Luckily, it's still pretty dark out and only the very tip of the sun is rising. The deep purple sky is still decorated with cute, white stars. The purple fades into a gorgeous gold as it nears the sun. You didn't want to leave Yechen, but unfortunately, you've already reached your dorm room.

The two of you stand outside, hand-in-hand, neither wanting to leave. You looked into his eyes and sighed.

"Guess I should head in. Don't want you to get caught," you half-heartedly tell him.

"Yup, I should go now," he nods.

Neither of you moves which cause both of you to burst into a fit of giggles. After calming down, the two of you simply stared into each other's eyes. You couldn't help but blush under his loving gaze. You wanted to hide, but you also couldn't tear your eyes away from him either.

Suddenly, Yechen leans in and kisses you. You're taken by surprise, but quickly recover and you close your eyes and kiss him back. He pulls you into a hug after you parted from the kiss. He gives you one last peck on the forehead.

"See you in class later," he chuckles.

"See ya," you giggle, unlocking your door quietly, trying not to wake up your roommate.

You step inside and wave to him one last time before he turns back and begins to walk back to his dorm. After his figure completely disappeared, you closed the door and sigh happily. You definitely needed to plan more dates like this.

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