Black Coffee

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Posted: March19, 2018

Requested?: Yup, thanks for requesting ^^

Words: 1.2k

Group: Idol Producer

Member(s): Xikan (feat. Mingjun and Luo Zheng)

A/N: Thanks for requesting, puppy anon. This one is a little shorter, but I hope you'll still enjoy it just as much!


From a very early age, you've avoided going to Starbucks. It just pains you every time you step in and hear, "Welcome to Starbucks" in an extremely cheery voice. As time passed, you slowly begin to hate the place, only going when you absolutely have to. Actually, you used to love going there, until you realized that you may never find your soulmate. Everyone has the first thing their soulmate says to them written on their forearm in their soulmate's handwriting.

"Welcome to Starbucks," is messily scribbled onto your forearm and you begin to resent the sight of it every time you go.

There are so many Starbucks all over the world. Your soulmate might not even live where you live. Also, the handwriting isn't necessarily the neatest and it looked quite similar to many other people's handwriting. You frown at the thought of having to be soulmate-less forever.

Your friends all have more unique handwriting or interesting phrases on their arms. One of your friends had met her soulmate at a concert and she had gotten extremely drunk. She thought one of the concertgoers was the singer and asked the man to sign her shirt. Only then, she realized the handwriting on her shirt matched the one on her arm.

You laugh at the memory, but your smile soon faded at your own fate. You have given up on searching a while ago, planning to just live your life as it goes. You used to go to multiple Starbucks at different times of the day... every day. However, you soon decide that it wasted too much of your time and stopped last year.

You decided to simply focus on your studies and maybe go find your soulmate once you get out of school. As usual, finals are coming soon and so you have been staying up for at least three nights in a row now and your energy is draining quickly. You decide to get a cup of coffee to keep you awake for a few more hours.

Sleepily, you pack your laptop, notebooks, and textbooks into a bag and set out to the nearest Starbucks. You trudge your way through the busy crowd, cramming yourself in between the doors.

"Welcome to Starbucks!" a cheery voice shouts just as you enter.

You give a slight, tired smile to the fox-like boy who had welcomed you. Luckily, the line is short and you find yourself standing in front of the boy. You ponder for a few seconds before taking out your wallet and ordering.

"I'd like a black coffee, please. Thanks," you mutter, not wanting to interact with anyone.

"Alright, that'll be one-fifty," the cashier nods.

You hand him the money, quickly glancing at his nametag. Li Xikan is neatly printed on and you put your wallet away, averting your gaze back to Xikan's face. You lazily study his face, his features are sharp and fox-like. He is kind of cute, making you smile a bit.

"Oh and your name, miss?" Xikan asks, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"Uh, y/n," you answer.

"Alright, I'll be back with your order in a second," Xikan gives you a small smile.

About less than a minute later, Xikan returns back to the counter, your coffee in hand. You thank him and take the steaming drink, searching for a seat. You find a small table in the corner and sit down. You take a few sips of your coffee, enjoying your time before deciding to begin studying again.

As you place your materials on the table, your cup shifts a little, revealing your name. You stare at it, the handwriting begins to look more and more familiar. You blink a couple of times before yanking your sleeves up, revealing your soulmate's words.

The handwriting is indeed a match. You immediately stand up, abandoning your things and rushing back towards the door Xikan is heading towards. Right before he enters the staff room, you snatch his wrists and yank him around.

He looks at you with a shocked expression before looking at your bare arm, his eyes widening a little. He quickly pulls you into the room and closing the door behind him. The two of you stand in awkward silence as Xikan takes off his apron, putting it on a nearby table.

"Uh, you're my soulmate," you begin slowly.

"Yeah...I'm still trying to take this all in," Xikan chuckles a little.

He takes your hand and brings your arm closer to his face, causing you to blush a little. You lightly tug your arm back and Xikan looks at you, his cheeks turning pink. He mutters a sorry before pulling you into a bear hug.

"Do you know how many people have ordered black coffee? I've been waiting every day, switching jobs from different stores to find you!" Xikan cries out, hugging you even tighter.

"Ah, me too. I used to go to all the different stores, hoping to find you," you try to tell him, your voice drowned out by his fluffy sweater.

"Hey, Xikan. Have you–" a voice calls out, opening the door.

You and Xikan jump away from each other, staring at the other person in shock. You squint at his nametag, Yu Mingjun. Mingjun's shocked expression turns into a smug one, a smirk appearing on this face. You blush profusely, creating more space in between you and Xikan.

"Oh, nice. I'll leave you two alone," Mingjun snickers before shutting the door again.

You vaguely hear him shout for some guy named "Luo Zheng" before turning back to Xikan who is rubbing the back of his neck, his face as red as a tomato. He turns back around to you before apologizing nervously.

"Hey, how about we go on a date once my shift is over?" Xikan offers.

"Sounds good to me," you smile, looking down shyly.

Xikan puts his apron back on and opens the door, letting you out first. He closes the door behind him and squeezes your hand one last time before he is dragged away by his teasing co-workers. You slowly make your way back to your table and giggle at the sight of Xikan blushing. You see two of his coworkers pushing and pulling him around, giving him light nudges on the arms.

As you study, you keep peeking up to look at Xikan and you noticing him doing the same. Every time he would finish an order, he would look your way. When the two of you make any eye contact, both of you quickly look away, blushing.

You smile to yourself, glad you finally found your soulmate. Taking a sip of your black coffee, you turn the cup around to admire Xikan's handwriting. For some reason, it doesn't seem as messy as you had thought. In fact, you liked all the little loops and curves in his handwriting. Maybe, Starbucks isn't so bad after all.

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