Long Awaited

281 10 2

Posted: March 15, 2018

Requested?: Yup ^^

Words: 3.7k

Group: Idol Producer

Member(s): Chengcheng (feat. Yuehua boys)

A/N: This one was so fun to write! Thank you for requesting this, anon. I'm so obsessed with Idol Producer, I love them so much :') Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!


"Chengcheng, that's disgusting...why am I even friends with you?" you ask your childhood friend.

You and Chengcheng have been friends since you were born basically. Both of your families are family friends and the two of you happened to have the same interests and passions while growing up which brought the two of you together. In fact, he was the one who convinced you to audition for Yuehua.

"What? I'm just eating," Chengcheng rolls his eyes, spooning the icy milk and cereal into his mouth.

"Yeah, but who the hell puts ice in their cereal? Wouldn't that just water it down?" you sigh, continuing to scroll through your phone.

"If you eat it fast enough it won't. I've been eating cereal like this for years and you always just have to point it out every time, don't you," Chengcheng laughs a little.

"Whatever, you're old so I'll just let you off this time. You know, old people tend to have strange eating habits. My grandpa puts ketchup on everything," you look up at Chengcheng who snorts and continues to much on his snack.

"Me, old? If you want old, go find Zhengting. I'm only a year older than you, don't pretend you're that young," Chengcheng groans.

"Zhengting will kill me if I tell him that," you laugh, thinking about how he had threatened you if you called him old another time.

"Whatever suits you," Chengcheng laughs along.

The two of you settle into comfortable silence, Chengcheng eating and you mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. Your finger pauses when you settle on a selfie Quanzhe had posted. You have had a tiny crush on the boy since the day you met. You had met him when you were accepted to Yuehua. Turns out, he was also friends with Chengcheng which is quite convenient for you since you can make an excuse to visit Quanzhe often. However, you soon become close to all of Chengcheng and Quanzhe's friends so you don't even need an excuse anymore.

You feel Chengcheng's gaze on you and you look up at him curiously. He shakes his head a little before turning back to his cereal. However, this time he sets the bowl down and turns to you with a serious expression.

"Hey, what happens if Quanzhe isn't your soulmate? I know you really like him..." Chengcheng trails off.

"Oh, well...I mean I'll just end up liking my soulmate when I'm sixteen anyway. Maybe my soulmate is Quanzhe," you ponder.

Everyone has a soulmate, but you won't be able to know for sure until you're sixteen. Before you're sixteen, you are capable of having romantic feelings for anyone. However, on your sixteenth birthday, fate forces you to only be able to love your soulmate, whether you had previously been on good terms with them or not, either over time or right away. You frown remembering that you would be turning sixteen soon. You wanted to be able to like Quanzhe a little longer. In fact, Chengcheng had turned seventeen already, but he always refused to tell you who his soulmate is.

"You never know," Chengcheng shrugs and begins eating his cereal again.

"One, two, three, ta~"

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