
173 7 0

Posted: April 28, 2018

Requested?: Yup, by my lovely Juju @/humanglitterthings ^^

Words: 844

Group: Nine Percent

Member(s): Ziyi

A/N: Reader has depression in this so please, read at your own risk (?). If anyone of you needs to talk, both Admin Mymy and I are here for you, okay? I also apologize if it seems a little inaccurate...I did a little bit of research and I hope it's okay...


"Ziyi, can you please just sit down?" you sigh, watching your boyfriend pace around.

"I can't! Why didn't you tell me? You know I'll do anything to help you," Ziyi pauses momentarily, looking over at you, a look of betrayal clear in his eyes.

You had been going through depression for a while and Ziyi knew, but he didn't know how bad it was until you told him tonight. You had always tried to put on a happy face but you just couldn't hold it in anymore.

"You know these things are private. I just wasn't ready to tell you yet!" you groan, getting a little anxious about where things are going.

"I've been through this too and I can help you, but you just hid it from me!" Ziyi's voice raised a little.

"I told you, I wasn't ready yet!" you also raised your voice.

"Damn it, y/n! I'm worried about you," Ziyi stops pacing around and turns to face you, "Why can't you just trust me?"

"I do trust you, but you know how hard it is. You've been through it too so you should know!" you stand up from the couch.

"You would've told me earlier if you trusted me!" Ziyi yells back, crossing his arms over his chest.

"How can you say that?" you quiet down a little, shocked at Ziyi's words.

"If you really loved me, you would've told me and let me help you!" Ziyi raises a hand and runs it through his hair.

"Ziyi!" you scream, offended by his words.

You feel the tears begin to drip down your face. Trying to hold it in, you sniffle a few time and Ziyi goes silent. You look down, refusing to look at him, balling your hands into fists. You hear Ziyi begin to shuffle towards you, but you just backed up with every step he took towards you. Finally, he backed you into a wall and reached over to you.

"Y-Y/n..." Ziyi mumbles, his voice shaky.

"Get away from me," you growl, shoving his hand away.

"Wait, you know I didn't mean it. I was just–" Ziyi is cut off by you shoving out of the way.

"Leave me alone! This is why I can't stand it anymore," you hiss.

As you left the room, Ziyi's hand suddenly grasps your wrists and pulls you in. Ziyi spins you around and wraps his arms around you tightly so you can't escape. You wriggle around a bit, trying to get out of his grasp, but he's too strong.

By now, you are full out sobbing and you slap Ziyi's chest a few times. You scream and cry, trying to escape. However, Ziyi just silently holds you, listening to everything you were yelling. Eventually, you got tired and slump into him.

Ziyi simply picks you up and you lightly hit him as a sign of protest, but he just takes you into your shared bedroom and dumps you on the bed. He climbs into the space next to you and turns off the light, cuddling into you.

"Y/n, I know I sorry isn't going to make up for anything that I said, but I really am truly sorry," Ziyi begins when you calm down a little more, "I love you okay? I'm here for you."

You don't say anything, but you do roll over so that you're facing Ziyi. You feel his warm hands on your face wiping your tears away. You whimper a little, feeling more tears spill out, but Ziyi is there to catch each tear and it comforts you to know that he's there.

"Ziyi," you finally speak up.

"What is it, babe?" Ziyi asks, his tone soft.

"I just...I can't anymore," you whisper, sniffling.

"I'm here for you, okay? All the other boys are too. You know we'll all be here to help you," Ziyi hums, giving you a small kiss.

"I know, but..." you trail off, "would anyone even care if I left?"

"Please don't say that because I would. I love you and I would be more than devastated if you did. Please, let me help," Ziyi gives you another kiss and you kiss back this time.

Both of you stay silent for a while and you almost fall asleep in Ziyi's warm embrace. You breathe in his comforting scent you and smile slightly. Ziyi made you feel safe and loved. You feel Ziyi give you a kiss on the cheek and you turn slightly so that now he was kissing your lips.

"We. Can. Get. Through. This. Together," Ziyi says between each kiss.

"Together?" you whisper, intertwining your fingers in his.

"Yeah, together," Ziyi hums.

Smiling, you drift off to sleep, wrapped in Ziyi's embrace. Though the world may get you down at times, you know that at least Ziyi will be there. He'll help you get through anything by doing things together.

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