Face Mask

178 7 1

Posted: April 25, 2018

Requested?: Yeee

Words: 1.3k

Group: Nine Percent

Member(s): Zhengting

A/n: Okay, I really love this request so much thank you @/august-angel0802 for sending it in! I hope you enjoy it ^^


Grumbling, you fumble around for your keys. You dig through your bag blindly, finally feeling the small cold metal piece. You quickly pull it out and shove it in the keyhole, unlocking the door to you and your boyfriend, Zhengting's, apartment. As soon as you got in, you slam the door close and toss your bag somewhere near the couch, causing a loud 'thump' to fill the air.

"Y/n! Where have you been? It's so late now!" you hear Zhengting's concerned voice float from somewhere inside the hall.

You groan and plop down on the couch, covering your eyes with your arm. It has been a long day for you and you really weren't in the mood to argue with anyone. When you didn't reply, Zhengting called out for you again, but his voice is filled with anger this time.

"I'm not in the mood to argue right now! Please, just leave me alone," you groan, yelling back.

"Wow, is that how you're going to be? I waited up for you and it's like 1 AM now," Zhengting's voice rings out.

"Look, you didn't have to wait up for me and I thought I already told you I would be out studying with some friends!" you sit up frustrated, still not sure where Zhengting actually is.

"You did not tell me that!" you hear Zhengting groan.

"Hey, I was in a rush this morning and I thought I told you!" you launch yourself off the couch, storming into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Well, maybe if you woke up earlier, you could've remembered to," Zhengting snorted from his mysterious room.

"If you didn't leave your clothes everywhere, I wouldn't have to find my way out the door and have no time at all," you angrily gulp down your water.

"Oh, so this is all my fault now?" Zhengting raises his voice again, "It's not like you're the neatest either!"

Soon enough, the two of you are just picking out the smallest faults in each other. While Zhengting was somewhere in the apartment yelling, you were in the kitchen furiously gulping down more water while yelling back. Finally, you've had enough and you slam your cup down in the sink, causing Zhengting to go silent.

"Zhu Zhengting, I've had enough! Just come out already, I don't even know where you are!" you scream, your hands balling up into fists.

You step out the kitchen and you look down, crossing your arms over your chest. You rest your head on one of your hands, tapping your feet. You hear a door slam closed and footsteps stomping towards you.

"Well? Are you done yelling?" Zhengting scoffs.

Your eyes start at his feet and slowly trail up his body. When you finally look at his face, you couldn't help but to let out a snort. However, you try to contain your giggles and glare back at him. His arms are folded across his chest, mirroring your own arms.

"You were the one who started yelling first," you scowl.

"Stop blaming things on me! You were the one who didn't tell me where you were and came back home at one in the morning," Zhengting fumed.

"Firstly, you're not my mom so I don't HAVE to tell you where I am. Secondly, I can take care of myself!" you wave your hands around furiously while trying to hold in more giggles.

The sight of Zhengting trying to yell with a face mask on just cracks you up. His mouth is restricted, causing his speech to be a little off. You can barely see his eyes and his heavy breathing causes the nose flaps of the mask to flap up and down. However, it really isn't the time to be laughing so you avoid looking at him.

"Wow, I care for you and that's why I'm asking! Hey, look at me when I'm talking!" Zhengting stomps his foot down.

You take a peek at him and you really just can't hold it in anymore. You burst out into laughter, making Zhengting go silent. His eyes go wide and the nose flaps continue to flap up and down. You double over from laughing so hard that you're practically rolling on the floor now.

"What? Do you find us fighting this funny?" Zhengting huffs, causing the nose flaps to fly up again.

"N-no, but–" you cut yourself off with another fit of laughter.

"Y/n, what's so funny then?" Zhengting whines, wriggling around.

You roll over and pound the floor. Your sides hurt from laughing so hard and there are tears in your eyes. Finally, you find the strength to stand up and look at him again. You take a deep breath, but can't help but to let out a few snorts here and there.

"It's just...your face mask," you giggle, covering your mouth.

"My face mask?" Zhengting asks confused, reaching up to pat his face a few times.

"I can't look at you! It's too funny," you begin laughing again, slapping your leg a few times.

"Ugh, why are you like this," Zhengting huffs and you see the tips of his ears slowly turn red.

You giggle, making your way over to Zhengting. You wrap your arms around him, looking up. Snuggling closer to him, you give him a small kiss on his neck and you feel Zhengting snake his own arms around your waist.

"I'm sorry, Ting. I was just in a really bad mood and I should've just answered you straight away," you sigh, resting your head on his chest.

"I'm sorry too. I'm not your mom and I don't have any right to keep you in the house," Zhengting strokes your hair a few times.

You look back up at him again, a few giggles escaping. Reaching up, you pat his face a few times, the wet face mask making you cringe a little. Shaking the liquid off your hand, you pat Zhengting's back, shooing him back into the bathroom.

"I think you've had that on long enough, huh?" you chuckle.

"Come on, you know I always have to put one of these on at night. You should've expected it," Zhengting signs, slowly peeling the mask off.

"True, but still, you should've seen how you looked earlier," you grin, leaning against the doorway of the bathroom.

"Just forget about it and don't tell the boys!" Zhengting pouts, rinsing his face.

"Okay, okay," you laugh, handing Zhengting a small towel.

Zhengting gives you a huff of approval before patting his face dry. He looks down at you, blinking blankly a couple of times. You lean in and give him a kiss on the cheek. You giggle a little as you pull away. You have never felt something as soft as his skin.

"Your face feels like a baby's butt," you snort.

"Eww, it sounds so gross when you say it like that," Zhengting groans, pinching your cheek gently.

"Whatever, get out of here," you laugh, smacking his butt, "It's my turn to use the bathroom."

Zhengting gives you one last playful glare before you shut the door. Leaning against the closed door, you giggle a little. You close your eyes, a smile making its way onto your face. You can't help but to begin howling with laughter at the memory, completely forgetting you two had just fought. You hear a muffled "shut up!" come from Zhengting outside, causing you to crack up even more. You cherish moments like these and you're glad something as simple as a face mask could save your and Zhengting's relationship.

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