How Did You Know?

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Posted: January 24, 2019

Requested?: yuppp

Words: 2.2k

Group: GOT7

Member(s): Jackson (feat. bffs Mark and Youngjae)

A/N: Hey anon tysm for requesting! I'm so sorry if this feels rushed or the members are kind of's been really stressing me out but I hope you enjoy this fic nonetheless!


Silence. All you could hear was the heavy breathing coming from you and Jackson. It seemed that the rest of the members had disappeared and Jackson was the only person you could see. The tension in the air was so thick you would have to cut it with a chainsaw to even get a tiny slit. You lick your lips and sprung into the air with the last bit of your strength.

Just as you were about to swing your arms around Jackson's neck, you were violently blown back by an invisible force. You let out a yelp when you slammed down on the padded floor, your members starting to yell again.

"You cheated! You used your powers!" you screech, pointing a blaming finger at Jackson who stands in front of you with a smug grin.

"Okay, I did, but so did you," Jackson sticks his tongue out at you, holding out a hand to help you up.

"Yeah, but I didn't mean know I'm not that good at controlling it that huge cut you gave me really hurt," you huff, accepting his helping hand.

You wipe away your sweat with a towel Youngjae had handed you. You glance over at Jackson who is now animatedly conversing with Mark. You hear Youngjae chuckle next to you and you jump a little.

"Stop checking him out in the middle of the training room," Youngjae whispers giddily.

"I-I'm not...I just looked over for a second," you grumble, feeling your face heat up again.

"Hmm...sure...I think you're forgetting I can read minds," your younger friend giggles.

"Ugh, curse you and your powers, Youngjae," you huff, trudging over to a punching bag to relieve some of the tension.

Over the course of the past few months, you've formed a massive and obvious crush on Jackson, one of your teammates. The eight of you were put together by a group called S.H.E.I.L.D. because of your extraordinary powers or strengths.

At first, you were a little hesitant to join the team because it would mean they could experiment on you and the chance of you dying while fighting was way too high. However, you still decided to join because you would much rather sacrifice just yourself instead of having hundreds of people dying. Also luckily for you, S.H.I.E.L.D. helped you find yourself and taught you to reach your full potential. You're forever grateful for them for helping you to become a better you...and to meet Jackson.

You've had your eye on him since you first joined. How could you not though? He's so strong, intelligent, funny, and has the visuals of a god. Literally, almost every single employee drool over this guy. You've actually seen some guy literally drool at the sight of Jackson.

Fortunately, only Youngjae and Mark seem to have caught on to your crush since Youngjae has the ability to read minds and Mark is an empath (who is also Jackson's best friend). You, on the other hand, have enhanced senses, incredible stamina, and the ability to heal yourself and others within seconds, depending on the size of the injury.

You perk up, halting your punches when you hear the door open. Spinning around, you see the rest of your members silently filing out, leaving you and Jackson alone in the sweaty training room. You gulp and curse silently when you see Mark and Youngjae give you the slightest smirk before the door closes with a thud.

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