By Your Side

217 12 1

Posted: April 23, 2018

Requested?: Yup ^^

Words: 3.3k

Group: Nine Percent

Member(s): Justin

A/N: I tweaked the request slightly, not that much tho. I really love Justin ya'll like you don't even know and being the same age as him makes him so much closer, yet he's still so far away ;-; Hope you guys enjoy this one!


Today just isn't your day. You had received bad test grades from three different classes and you didn't bring a lunch or bring any money to buy food. Justin and the others were all gone for practice and weren't at school, leaving you all alone. Just as you thought it couldn't get any worse, it started pouring when you stepped out of the school halls to go home. You didn't bring an umbrella and you were drenched head to toe.

Shivering, you quickly slide into the Yuehua building. You hastily greet the receptionist before running to find the boys' dorm. Luckily, Justin had given you the key when you started dating so you unlocked the door and quickly ran into the bathroom, avoiding getting anything wet.

After locking yourself in, you take off all your clothes and hop into the shower. Turning on the water, you let yourself cry. You begin sobbing as you quickly wash yourself, but eventually calm a little when you step out, drying yourself with Justin's towel. You pull out a pair of clean underwear from your backpack which was thankfully still dry since it was stuffed deep down in your bag. Luckily, Justin always left extra clothes in the bathroom for some reason so you slip on his t-shirt and sweats.

You briefly dry your hair a little before dragging yourself into Justin and Chengcheng's room. Plopping down onto Justin's bed, your tears spilled out again and you wrap Justin's blankets around you, hiding yourself. You quietly sob under his blankets, thinking of all the possible ways that things could go wrong. Justin's scent usually calms you down right away, but today you really just needed Justin himself.

You try to stop your tears, but nothing was working. Sad thoughts kept invading your mind and the tears continued to roll down your face. You were stuffed under the blanket moping and didn't realize the boys had come back. You didn't even hear the room door open so when you heard someone whispering, you immediately become silent out of shock.

However, you can't help but to sniffle and you hear some shuffling, but you refuse to show your face. You bury yourself deeper into Justin's sheets and you vaguely hear Justin's voice.

"Go away, Chengcheng. I'm gonna talk with y/n," Justin whispers to Chengcheng and you hear the door close.

You cover your face as you feel Justin peel his blankets back. When he sees you curled up and crying he immediately hops into the bed, scooping you up onto his lap, and pulling the covers back up over the both of you.

The two of you sit in silence for a while. You enjoy Justin lightly stroking your hair, kissing you here and there. You close your eyes and eventually, the tears stop as you listen to Justin's heart steadily beating. You wipe away a few stray tears before weakly calling out your boyfriend's name.

"J-Justin..." you mumble, voice shaking.

"Y/n, do you wanna tell me what's wrong?" Justin whispers, his tone as soft as ever.

"I just had a really bad day," you hiccup, not wanting to burden him with your problems.

"Hey, it's okay to tell me. I know ranting helps you," Justin continues to stroke your hair.

You hesitate a little before crying again, "I got failed three tests today and they were my three worst subjects so I've just messed up my whole grade. I also forgot to bring a lunch, but I didn't bring any money either so I didn't eat anything. Finally, you guys weren't there and I thought I could just merrily make my way here, but NO! It started pouring just as I stepped out of school."

Justin silently listens to your rant, never stopping his comforting stroking. He wipes away a few tears, but they just keep coming. Suddenly, a loud clap of thunder strikes and you jump, hiding deeper into the covers. You feel Justin's grip on you tighten and he gives you a quick kiss on the head, patting your back lightly.

Normally, you aren't afraid of thunder, but today you were extremely paranoid. Luckily, Justin had come back now and you begin relaxing as he pats you rhythmically on the back. You cuddle into Justin's chest, breathing in his scent.

"Justin," you whisper, "Can you just talk? Just say anything...I just wanna hear your voice."

"Of course," Justin chuckles a little, already lightening your mood.

You press your ear against his chest and you close your eyes again. You listen to his soft voice, feeling his chest vibrate a little every time he spoke. He'd occasionally laugh at whatever he was saying, making you smile.

You feel yourself slowly falling asleep, Justin's soft tone lulling you to sleep. He continues to pat your back lightly and you snuggle into him, enjoying the warmth of his body. Soon enough, you fall into peaceful sleep, bathing in your boyfriend's warmth and scent.

"Shh! You're going to wake them up, idiot!" someone harshly whispers.

"Turn off your ringer! That was so loud," someone else groans and you hear a smacking noise.

"Ouch, you didn't have to hit that hard!" another person cries out but is hushed by everyone else.

You peek out of the blanket and open one eye. From your blurry vision, you barely make out the other boys, seemingly taking pictures of you and Justin with their phones. You groan a little and snuggle closer to Justin, your movements waking him up.

"Get out, get out!" Justin shrieks when he notices the other boys.

You hear them scramble out and you chuckle a little. Justin carefully peels away the blankets and sits you up against him. He looks at you worriedly and you smile a little, giving him a small kiss.

"Are you okay now?" Justin asks.

"Now that you're here I am," you rub your eyes.

"Then did you sleep well?" Justin gently moves a few stray strands of your hair away from your face.

"Yeah, thank you, Justin," you pull him into a hug.

"I'm here, okay. I'm sorry for not being at school yesterday...I should've been there," Justin begins, seemingly getting a little nervous.

"It's okay. You were busy," you reassure him.

"I just...I," Justin hesitates.

"What is it?" you ask, curious.

"I love you, y/n," you see a small blush appear on Justin's cheeks.

"Oh," you gasp, eyes wide.

"I realized how much I really want to protect you when you were crying last night. I realize how much I want to be with you. I want to marry you," Justin looks down, rubbing the nape of his neck nervously.

"I..." you are a little shocked, but pleased.

"Look, you don't have to say it now, I just really wanted to," Justin waves his hands around, rambling a little.

"I love you too, Justin," you shut him up with a kiss.

When you pull away, Justin is dazed, but his expression gives away his excitement. You giggle a little and lean in and lay your head against his chest. He wraps his arms around you and you do the same.

"I want to marry you too, Justin. Thank you so much for everything and I want to take care of you too. I really love you," you smile shyly.

"Good, because you're going to be stuck with me for the rest of your life now," Justin laughs.

"As long as I have you, I'm good," you giggle, pulling away.

The two of you sit in bed cuddling for the rest of the morning before realizing that it was still a school day. Both of you quickly change and scramble out of the house. You were late and it was still raining outside, but it was okay because Justin was by your side.

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