Chapter 4 New Feelings

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(Annie's P. O. V)
I got into my outfit but it was still raining but the gym teacher Mr.Ackerman said we need to run today. It's the 2nd quarter of the school year so as we are leaving the they tell us to grab a green coat. So we put it on and we begin to run in the rain I was the last one in the back of the line. At this school there was a wooded place so they would run there when it was a sunny day. But this time they used it for shelter from the rain I saw the group gathering around the coach.

Alright brats listen up we will be moving for this period so don't stop you can walk or do an activity. But if I catch you talking I will make sure you run in the rain. But so I know you at least get your exercise of the day you will have a race. Starting here all you have to do is try and find me you can use anything or group up with anyone. I'll give you the signal though and none of you move till you hear the sign. He said

I was looking around and waiting with the other kids as everyone people began to form groups. We heard a loud sound giving us the signal to start looking for him. Everyone began to run I waited till they were out of the way and then made my journey. I was walking till I saw this green cape on the floor but it was slightly moving. I lean down and lift the hood to see the guy from the library. What are you doing? I asked

I fell and my friends left me behind. He says

Well are you going to become one with the earth or are you going to get out of the shitty mess? I say

I'm getting up. He says

He got up and he decided to fallow me.

So what's your name? He asked

I was a little shocked because he is still talking to me. Annie. I say plainly

Well I'm Armin Alert. He says holding out his hand

I looked at it not really wanting to but I shook his hand for some reason.

Well if you were a gym teacher where would you be? He says

I thought about his question and I looked up into the trees, I started to climb it.

What are you doing? Armin called out

If I were a teacher, I would want my students to work to find me so I would be in a tree. I say

Oh. He says

I was half way up the tree and I decided to take a look around I was looking when I came across his face. He made eye contact with me I furrow my eye brows and quickly drop down. I turn and ran the other direction from him knowing he's chasing me as we speek. Armin just running after me and knowing him for a few hours he won't stop but Burtholt will catch up to him and then I'll be given away. So I saw a whole in a tree and I rolled into the whole then I dragged Armin into it as well. I cover his mouth to cover his heavy breathing and then I quickly put up a bark infront to discise it and then the foot steps got closer. I held my breath as I saw two feet appear infront of the tree. I heard him say

Damn it, where is she? Burtholt said

He left into another direction and when he was far way I finally let go of Armin.

What was that about? He asked

Uhh... I got up and I was about to leave but Armin grabbed my hand and he held it tightly. I look over at Armin and I saw behind him was another green cape and I saw Mr.Ackerman asleep. I put my other hand up to my lips signaling for Armin to be quite. I then pointed to where I see are teacher and Armin got the idea. I walked over to him and shook his shoulder he began to wake up and he looked at his watch.

Damn it's only been 20 minutes. He said

So what happens when we find you? I say

You don't get to run the mile this week. He said

That's it? What do we do now? I asked

Anything but sitting around. He said crawling out

I followed behind him and so did Armin he blew his whistle and everone grouped back up. He announced that Armin and I won the race to find him everyone was upset when they heard we didn't have to run the mile this week. Mikasa and Eren went up to Armin and I took it as an opportunity to get away. I slowly walked away from them disappearing or so I thought I did when I was "alone". He showed up I froze in anger and rage running through me.

Hello Annie. Burtholt said

Burtholt what do you want? I asked

I was just checking up on my girl. He said walking up to Annie

One I am not your girl, two we broke up in 6th grade when you cheated on me. I say

Ahh, don't be so cold Annie. Burtholt said

And three you where an abusive ass hole who was desperate to lose his virginity. I say

Oh, still the bitching girl no one likes right, but only me taking you in and I started to help you become popular in school. But then you couldn't still stand up to anyone not even Shelly so my bad your still the weak bitching girl. He says

That is it your always going to be the ass I always knew. I said

But I am your ass. He says


Annie I am always going to be yours no matter what if you like it or not I have many plans in mind. So now where the couple and no one is allowed to touch my bitch got it. He said grabbing Annie's face

When he grabbed my face slapped his hand away from my face and he got mad. He grabbed my shoulders and slammed me into a tree trying to pin me but I punched him hard in the gut. He loosen his grip on me and I ran for it. I ran but I heard his foot steps following right behind me, he was quick so I tricked him here and there I got to the girls locker room where I was saved by the bell. No guys were allowed in and when I enter I changed and ran before he could get out of his changing room. I got out first and I ran to lunch I hid in the crowd of kids in line. I just hope he isn't tall enough to spot me I put up my hood so he wouldn't recognize me. My heart was pounding and memories came back to me from what happen between me and Burtholt.

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