Chapter 23 Story/Dreams

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(Annie's P. O. V)
I fell down onto my knees and stared to cry, why, why is my life so hard I'm trying. I say

We don't know but your the strongest I've ever seen it take alot to live even when your being crushed. Armin said

I looked up and saw Armin gave me a hug and I once again cried myself to sleep.

(Armin's P. O. V)
I picked up the sleeping Annie and put her into bed and then we all walked into the dinning room to let her sleep.

I didn't know it was this bad. Mikasa said

I know I think I would have killed myself a long time ago. Eren said

Yeah, I don't understand it Mikasa your living with your uncle, Eren your parents are divorced, and my parent's are absent. We have broken home's and yet Annie has her hole family and their braking her. I stated

I know, and my dad is coming back into my life so it's almost together again. Eren said

But your not being ignored let alone sold to a stranger who comes back into your life. I said

Yeah does she think we can't help her or what is it something else? Mikasa asked

I don't know but let's ask her when she wakes up again so we can see what we are dealing with. I said they both nodded and we went back to the living room and waited.

(Annie's Dream)
Everything was white and I looked over and saw a little me I walked up to her and saw how small I was.

Why do you do this? She asked

Do what? I replied

Living your hurting us both it hurts to live so why do we live? She asked

Because if I were to give up I would only show how weak we are. I said

So who cares no one will care. She said

Yes, it may not seem like it but there is a boy by the name of Armin he would be sad. He would go a thousand miles just to make sure we're okay I've seen it first hand. I say

So your only going to be collecting scares. She said pointing to the scar on my sholder.

These scares are marks that this world tried to break us but fail because we got up dust are selves off and moved on. No matter what we were the ones to stay strong when people almost broke us. That is why we live we live for the ones that care even if that means we stand for one person.

What about the 13 kids we killed? She said

We don't die and give in to join the we stand and live for them so their never forgotten. I said

The little me began to cry so I got on my knees and hugged her and we both cried.

But were monsters who's going to love a monster? She asked

We're not monster's until we choose to be we are saviors as long as we protect are friends. We're monsters when we betray them or back stab them so we will stand against the one who made us this way okay? I asked

Okay. She said

I wipes away one of her tears and we began to fade.

Before I go I have a feeling something is coming so be ready. She said
(End of dream)

I woke up in a bed and looked around I sat up and Armin, Eren, and Mikasa was on the couches. 

Good sleep? Mikasa asked

Yeah how long was I out? I asked

An hour. Armin replied

Oh it felt alot longer than an hour. I said

Annie we have something to ask you. Eren said

What is it? I say

Burtholt, are you just not wanting us to help or what cause we can help you. Armin said

No it's not that it's something that is far above your heads that you won't be able to comprehend even if I did tell you. Eren would laugh Mikasa would think I'm crazy and you, you would start treating me differently. So I'm not going to tell you, you just have to promise me one thing. I said

What? He asked

Don't piss off Burtholt as much as you want to beat him up for what he's done let him be. Because if you were to start a fight with him I'm not sure if I would be able to save you let alone come out alive. I said to them

Fine we won't tick him off. Armin said

PROMISE ME! I yelled

Fine we promise not to piss of Burtholt in anyway, shape, or form. They said in union

Thank you. I say

Well I want to know why you think we can't help you there are 10 of us who can help you why don't you think we can take him on? Armin asked

I'm sorry Armin it's not that I think you can't take him or even guess you can Armin, Eren, and Mikasa I know you can't. His straight is no match to 10 people let alone 20 he will have no one to match him. I say

But you hurt him so are you his match? Eren asked

I can become his match if needed and I don't want to become a match to him because I am not as strong to him. I sadly have weakness and he will take it to make me bow to his will. I say

Do you have no faith in your friends? Mikasa asked

That snapped me, of course I do I have faith you'll be their when I need you as much as you have in me. When you need help I will be there but if you need a hand I'll be their. I'll lay my life on the line for you to make sure you make it through this world happily. He's killed 13 if my friends and I don't plan for it to go any higher I am warning you and pleading for you to stay way from him. SO YOU CAN STAY ALIVE! I don't want to talk anymore about him for the rest of the night please let's just get some sleep. I say

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