Chapter 42 Congratulation!

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(Annie's P. O. V)
I woke up in the hospital and Armin was by my side I saw he was asleep and I patted his head. He woke up and saw me he smiled and then leaned over to kiss me.

How are you feeling? He asked

Well I don't know what happen but all I know is I am here. I say

Reiner and Burtholt broke out of jail and they found you some how about you. He said

Oh well at least I'm still alive. I say smiling

Yeah. He said

The doctor came in and was looking over my chart to confirm that I was indeed Annie.

Alright Ms.Leonheart has Mr.Alert tell you have been out for a week? He asked

No! I say concerned

I was going to tell her. He said

Well anyways how feeling? He asked

I sat there for a minute and then replied, I feel nauseous. I say

Well we could give you medicine but quickly how long has it been since you've had your cycle? He asked

Well hmm I thought about it and then I realized I'm late on it.

I'm one week late. I say

Alright I want to do a test before we give you anything. He said

He walked out and a minute later he came back with a screen and then he put some type of gel on my stomach. He flip the machine on and then and ultrasound came on.

Just as I expected Ms.Leonheart your pregnant. He said

My eye's widen as there on the screen was a baby one that Armin and I had created. All I could do was smile now and Armin grabbed my hand and I looked over at him.

That's are baby Annie. He said

There looks like to be something in the screen though but it's nothing to be concerned about. The doc said

Shit I know what he is talking about. I though

Other then that you seem like you're ready to go just take it easy from now on. He said

I was released and Armin took me straight home and I know I'll have to tell him about it sooner or later. It has to be before this child is born though before I know who I am going to marry.

This is so exciting I can't wait for him/her comes thank you Annie. Armin said hugging me

Armin. I say

Yeah. He replies

We need to talk about something it is important. I say

Alright what is it? He said getting serious

I have messed up genetics and these are being given to the child for sure by the way the doctor said. I say

What do you mean? Armin asked

Armin my father was an scientist the government said no to his work because he talked about. This part of are brain can unlock are hidden animal side. But with his work being shut down and he couldn't tests on rats he turn to his own kids. I say

So what are you trying to tell me? Armin asked

He succeeded and I can if I wanted to turn into a wolf and it is part of my genetic. This child will be able to turn into something or be born as that something. My father is in the worlds most dangerous and watched over prisons in the world. I ment to tell you this before it happen but we got carried away. No matter what I'll have this child wit-

Annie I asked you to be my wife and I am not taking that back if this child can turn into a dragon. I wouldn't care because in the end this child is something you and I made together. I promise I'm going to be around for him or her. I love you and this child the way you two are and nothing is going to change that. He said

I had tears streaming down my face as he was the most understanding selfless person I had ever met. So I went and gave him a big hug and cried on him again. Now that I was pregnant I was going to be very moody with this baby on the way. I was just excited and scared because this means no hospitals for the child. But Armin started to take care of me we didn't have a big wedding but it was only with all are friends. It was a tiny wedding and we had made it into the news paper though. I was happy and content with my life now known as Mrs.Alert I gave up my last name so fast I was happy with it gone. We went and had are dance and everyone seemed like they as well enjoyed the wedding. I forgot to mention to them that I was pregnant at the wedding but they'll get to see the child either way. I never went up for another appointment again I just stayed and hopped for the best in me. I knew J was eating a lot of food because I was eating for two. Armin was very supportive for me and this child we were so excited I just can't wait to see if it's a boy or a girl. We made a bet one did girl and the other a boy I chose the boy one. Now we have to start picking out baby names like I like the name Alex it's really nice and I want to stick in the A names. names just because Armins and mine start with an A and I like it. This is going to be one rollercoaster ride of emotions here and 9 month's of it. I thought

Annie really thank you for the gift. Armin said

I can't wait as much as you. I replied

We both layed in bed tired and darkness consumed us into sleep from are long hard say at are new work.

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