Chapter 25 The Night Coffee

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(Annie's P. O. V)
It was not 8 and my last shift got over with and I went and saw Armin sat at the booth waiting for me. When he saw I was done he stood up and walked over to me.

Ready? He asked

Yep so where are we going? I asked

You'll see. He said

Holding secrets now? I said sarcastically

You started it first. He pointed it out.

You got me there. I said

We walked down town for a while and we came across a stand that sold hot chocolate. We stopped by it and Armin order a coffee for me but him a hot chocolate.

Still up on coffee? I say laughing

Yeah I'm trying to bring my coffee level down again. Hw said

I laughed as he looked wide awake because of the coffee going through his body.

Hey don't laugh at me. He said

It's not my fault you stayed to drink coffee. I said

It's not my fault you kept on giving me coffee. He said

Yeah it is you could tell me to change your drink and time but you didn't so all you drank was coffee. I said

Good point. He said

We were walking till my phone rang and I looked at it to see it was my parent's calling.

You should take that you haven't called them in two days. He said

"I sighed" fine. I said and picked it up.

Annie? Dad asked

Yes. I said

Why haven't you been picking up are calls? He asked

Because there was a blizzard and phone lines gave been down so could pick up but your voices never came through. I said

Well how would you like to move to Hawaii? He asked

I'd feel sad because I just made friends and I like are area we live in and I actually enjoy school. I said

Really? He said clearly upset

Yes Hawaii is a place I would love to visit I would never live there from the hurricane season's. I said

But you would live in a blizzard. He said a little mad

Yes I would rather take my chances on frost bite then an deadly ocean storm. I said

Well that storm matches your heart. He said

What? I said

Your cold hearted Annie, Rose has finally made new friends down here and yoj won't let her be there. Your the reason we move remember because of your actions. It cost me my job and everything and now we say you can move to Hawaii amd you say no. All this for what a friend Rose left her friends for you but now you won't return the favor? That's really selfish Annie your being a burden to this family. You could have been in Hawaii with us if you never got into that fight. Your not even human your a selfish monster that is bringing this family down! He yelled

Wow your attitude is like kicking a already dead horse so I don't need to hear any of this. I have been paying the bills while you were gone but now you can pay for it. I won't be paying anything else so just a warning in 3 days the water will be shut off. I sag

Stupid your staying there in the house. He said

Stupid I've been staying with a friend so I'm not even in the house. I say hanging up on him

How did it go? Armin asked

"I sighed" They will never change for the better they only get worst. I say

Sorry, I believe that people do change and I thought they would have changed for the better. I guess I was wrong. He said

Well your right it's just that not all people are going to change good like them I think they will. Just they won't change till a little bit down the rode when I guess I move out of their house. I say

Well I wish you had a better family because you deserve a better one. Armin said

Thank you Armin, if you didn't know though I feel like I've change if that makes you feel better. I say

Really. He asked

When I was in boarding school I wasn't much out going so I kept to myself and no one knew I was there. So when I came here and my dog ran into you I was just going on an innocent walk. I didn't mean to run into you and I didn't mean for any of this but I gave it a chance. I open up a little and I made a few friends along the way and I'm greatful for you being there when no one else would. I say

Aww you have changed but I only noticed because you don't swear as much. Armin said in a laughing manner

No I still do, just not around you unless Eren or someone ticks me over then I'll be a swearing cannon. I say

Well then be prepared to be annoyed by Eren. Armin said

Once he does he'll regret it. I said

We walked and talked all the way back to his house and enjoyed talking to each other. I liked the coffee and the walk it will be the best memory that I will always keep at heart. So when we went to bed we slept in separate blanket beds. I kept on tossing and turning and I couldn't sleep at all. I got up and went over to Armin's bed of blankets. A-Armin? I whisperd

Hmm? He replied

I-I can't sleep. Was all I gotted to say before Armin pulled me into his bed.

Good neither could I. He said

I snuggled into his chest and I was happy that I could have someone who understood me. So I was able to close my eye's and sleep not having any nightmares or anything. I just had a peaceful sleep tonight.

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