Chapter 21 Store Trip

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(Armin's P. O. V)
As I got done laughing I looked up at the sky and saw it was going to snow again. But the winds picked up as well so I got Annie up and we headed back inside to get warmed up. As we enter Eren and Mikasa acted like nothing happen which I almost chuckled thinking about it. I went to the kitchen to look for some food but I ran out of food. So this only means one thing we have to head to the store and get food. I thought

Hey guy's good news bad news which one. I say

Good news. Eren said

I still got plenty of fire wood to keep the house warm.

Bad news? Mikasa asked

I'm out of food and two need to keep the fire going and two needs to go to the store. I say

How about me and Mikasa stay and you and Annie go. Eren suggested

No we've been out side. I argued

How about Eren and Armin you stay to keep the fire going because those logs look like there heavy. Then me and Mikasa will run to the store to get the food. Annie suggested

Fine. I said

Alright we'll be back then. Annie said

(Annie's P. O. V)
I had to know who shared their feeling first because I will laugh if Mikasa was the first one to share her feelings. So I grabbed my boots and put back on my jacket. I made a list so it can be a one way trip to the store tonight. Then Mikasa was ready and we headed back out into the snowy winter. The snow made are nose cold and the wind made it burn. We walked for an hour to the store and then finally enter into the store. We walked into the store and shook off all if the snow on us then began the shopping. I walked over to the winter isle and picked up a sled.

What are we doing with a sled? Mikasa asked

Well we're not going to carry all of the groceries back to the house. I said

Oh I see great idea. She said

We picked up some potatos, lots of bacon, onion and some canned milk then went and got real milk. We gotted alot of food and then when we were in the soda isle I decided to ask her.

So who was the first to confess their feelings? I asked

W-what? She asked

You heard me. I said mocking her

W-well to be honest I was about to confess first but then Eren did. She said

Oh wow he actually got guts to ask. I say

So do you like Armin? She asked

Honestly I'm not in the right mind to think about my feelings let alone say it but he's nice. I say

So you like him? Mikasa said

I said he's nice I never said that. I state

Come on Annie he's done almost everything for you what else does he have to do. Mikasa said

Mikasa I know you can see something that is killing you but you have to understand this. I have trust issues yes Armin was there but I've been through where I thought the guy was nice and would take care of me. But I was wrong he hurt me and I shut myself out from people so I wouldn't get hurt. I'm scared Mikasa I have trouble following me around.

Annie he's not going to hurt you. Mikasa said

I know he won't, I don't want to hurt him he's so nice and caring every letter that follows me comes with trouble. I am a black cat that is unlucky Mikasa and I've crossed his path many times I'm surprised nothing has happen to any of you guys. I can say finally that I've made friends and at what cost will it take. I say

Alright I'm sorry Annie it's just your so nice and I forgot what past you come from. Mikasa said

It's okay your my friend and you want what's best for me and I'll always keep that at heart. I am thinking and in a way I guess I do like Armin you could say if that puts you at rest. I say

Yes, yes it does. Mikasa said with a smile.

We got to checkout and as we we're placing are items on the counter Burtholt showed up behind us.

Well Annie I saw your house had no power I knocked on your door and you never answered why was that? He asked

I'm not staying at my house I am staying at Mikasa's because my house doesn't have a fireplace to stay warm. I said

Your always welcome to my house. He said

I know I just choose not to. I say and turn away from him to pay for the food. I was given back my change and my receipt. I was about to walk away but he grabbed my arm hard and it scared me.

You know I still own you Annie so don't disrespect me! He whispered/ yelled

I kicked him in his shin and then grabbed Mikasa and ran I pulled out the sled and quickly packed everything onto it. Then I grabbed the rope and started to pull it I heard Burtholt running. So I grabbed Mikasa and ran into the winter storm disappearing into the storm of cold. I could hear Burtholt yell which scared me because if he choose the right set of tracks he would find us. I didn't want to know what would happen if he found us so I ran and ran till I knew we were in the clear.

What was that all about Annie? Mikasa asked

He's another part of my painful past and I don't want to be found by him at anytime. I said

ANNIE GET BACK HERE! Burtholt yelled

Shit he found us!

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