Chapter 33 Fired

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(Annie's P. O. V)
It was 8 and I started to wake up I found myself still in Armin's arm's I tried to move but he had a tight grip. I couldn't break through it if I wanted to so I gave up and fell asleep again. Finally heard his alarm clock go off and he started to shifted and I acted like he never woke me. I let him get up and then waited 5 minutes before I got up and smelled some breakfast going on. I got up and walked into the kitchen and yep Armin was making breakfast.

Good morning. He said

Morning. I replied

The power came back on but the news said it's going to be on and off so I decided to make breakfast. He said

Oh thanks. I say as he placed a plate where I was sitting and on it was eggs and waffle.

Yep. He said

He sat down with his plate and started to eat as well as I was I heard my phone go off. I saw it was the office I excused myself and headed into another room to take the call.

Hello? I say


Yes. I say

Then why in the hell have I not gotted my cut from you? He asked angry

They were a family with no money I couldn't just take it or else they would be broke and on the streets. I say

That's how society works there has to be a bottem and now your broke and on the streets. He said

What? I asked

YOU'RE FIRED! He yelled

He then hung up on me and I was now confused for a second before I was hit with reality. I walked into the kitchen and sat back down Armin was still there and finished his meal first. I sat back down and ate I really didn't have much at home so it was okay and it was just a rent so it wasn't important. I started to eat again and when I was finished I got up and walked to the sink and started to wash the dishes.

Oh Anna you don't really need to-

I want to it's okay you made me breakfast this is just my way of thanking you for breakfast. I say

So where do you live? He asked

I originally live in Russia but Eren's case went world wide and no one was taking it so I decided to take it. I say

Wow I thought he specifically picked you? Armin said

No I just so happen to see his case.

Oh. He said

Yeah, but my boss said if I didn't want it I could give it up and I take any case I can get since it's slow working up there. I say

Well your work must be interesting for you. Armin said

Yeah it's interesting I can go around the world and meet people like you. I say

Well flights have closed for today but is there anywhere you want to go today? He asked

What do you mean? I asked

Well are you new around here? He asked

Actually it seems kinda familiar but I still don't no anything. I say

Do you know about are mall? He asked

No. I say

Well it's open 24/7 and it's actually really nice. He said

Alright but it's really going down outside. I say

That's okay I gotted a way to get threw that. He said

What's that? I asked

I have snow mobial. He said

Cool I thought you were going to say a sled with snow dogs or something. I say

Hahaha no sadly I don't have any dogs. He said

We got ready and I had to go online and buy a ticket so I can go back home and get my stuff. But then we made are way to the mall and it was actually busy. We went walking though the mall and enter into stores and then exit with like one or two bags. We decided that when we were done we would go to the food court and get something to eat. So Armin got Panda Express and I got SubWay with an Italian sandwich it was really good. As we were about to leave there was an Arcade and it looked really fun to go and play at. As Armin read my mined he started to go into it and we played some games and got tickets. I was looking at the prizes and amongst them was a really cute fred bear plushy. Armin choses the plushy and then he walked over to me and gave it to me.

Why are you giving me this you won it. I say

Yeah but I saw you eyeing it so I got it for you plus I saw you got the tickets online. So I thought you could think of this plushy as your first winning prize. He said

Thank you. I say I gave him a hug and then we went back to his house I packed my stuff as I had to leave. He took me to the air port and I thanked him. It was hard for some reason to leave him and it was weird that I couldn't leave I wanted to stay but. I gave him a hug goodbye and then went inside I cought my flight and went back home to Russia. I enter into my house and then I saw my rent was almost up and my phone rang it was my friend Hanna. I answer it and she exploded with joy on it and we talked I decided that there were alot of cases back at Maria. So I was going to move there and my friend was going to help me get there to make it my new life. I couldn't wait till I saw Armin again he was a really nice man. But first things first I have to start packing up my stuff then sell what I don't want or need.

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