Chapter 34 Feelings

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(Annie's P. O. V)
I finally got back and grabbed all my stuff and from my house I was moving to Maria where Armin lives. Not only to see him and all but I would have alot of cases that I could work on there. So I finished off my rent and then packed and left my home. When I arrived back in Maria I felt better and a little bit more happier. I had a friend come with me her name is Hanna and she helped me move. We decided to go out to eat and chat one last time before she went back home. It was a really expensive restraunt we were dressed up because she thought maybe a man would be interested in her a.k.a the waiter. We gotted seated and then we talked.

So this is where you want to live? She asked

Yes, I actually found my family and they live in this town. I say

Annie honey, just mean no disrespect but what if they aren't who you think they are. She said

Then I drop them like fly. I say

She then started talking in Russian and I replied back it went on back and forth for a while before are waiter showed up. We order are drinks and meals and we talked some more but are waiter was going to be on break but another waiter would replace him. We finished up and I teased her about how she was trying to impress a waiter and then she tripped me. I fell and was expecting to fall but I stopped to quickly and saw Armin cought me. My face went red a little and so did his, I got up straight and my friend was cackling in the back round. I hit her in the back of the head and started scolding her in Russian and Armin was just standing there.

Karma bitch it hurts doesn't. She said laughing

Shut up. I said

Hey Anna how's it going and I thought you went back home. He said confused

Anna? Annie? What's your real name? Hanna asked

Armin my name is actually Annie I had it changed for protecting reasons. I say

Annie? He said

Yeah. I say

It's nice. He said

I looked over and saw my friend smiling her eye's were going back and forth with me and Armin. Stop it. I say hitting her in the arm and she just laughed while rubbing her arm.

You're Armin right? Hanna asked

Yes. He said

You see Annie has talked alot about you. She said looking at Annie with a devil look in her eye

I blushed and hit her in the arm again and she just laughed and laughed.

So where are you staying? He asked

Uhh for now I just got here so at a hotel I will be looking into houses tomorrow with Hanna. I say

Oh that's nice. He said

Yeah. I say

I thought we were going to visit your family tomorrow? Hanna said

Well do that once I find a house. I say

Na, you're just nevous I am here to support you see them. She said

Your family is here? Armin asked

Yeah and I am going to visit them. I say

That's nice. He said

Yeah I guess it is. I say

Well I got to get back to work now and I'll see you around. He said

Alright I'll see you around then. I say

We left and went are own ways Hanna said that she wanted to look around and so I let her while I went back to the hotel for the night.

(Armin's P. O. V)
I saw Annie again and when she left I went back to work and when my shift ended it was like 9 at night. I left my job and as I was walking I swear I saw someone that looked like Hanna then I realized it was Hanna.

Hey Armin can we talk? She said

Yeah. I say

Great it's about Annie. She said

We went to a dinner close to my work and then we got coffee and then she started to explain.

I am eventually going to have to go home but Annie is avoiding her parents. When she was down here she found out where they live and she hasn't seen them in a long time. When she was in High School she was an orphan because she couldn't remember anything. Her adoptive parent's brought her to Russia and left her. She grew up on her own so this is a could break her and I want you to be there since she knows you. This would put me at ease when I leave knowing there is someone who will be there for her when she does something like that. Hanna said

Corse but what happen to her memory? I asked

She was beaten by two guy's and when she escaped she couldn't remember much. So when she does remember something from high school it's hard. She said

Oh wait what were the guy's names? I asked

Burtholt and Reiner. She said

Does her last name start with an L? I asked

I don't know only she does. Hanna said

Okay. I say

I just would really feel better that someone will be here for her because it can go anyway. She said

I nodded and finished up drinking my coffee before heading back to my home I thought for a while. Then I decided that I'll ask her to come live with me tomorrow morning. Then work with her to go see her mom and dad and any siblings she has. This was going to get very interesting if she said yes because she reminds me of Annie I know. She is making me miss her and I see where her story could match up with the Annie I know of. But what if this is the Annie I know of then how do I make her fall in love with me again? I thought

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