Chapter 28 The Game

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(Annie's P. O. V)
I have been away for a couple of days now and I know I am consider missing now. I got put on a cage so I just sit here and they bring me books that I read including math text books. So I read them on my own time I was sleeping when I heard my cell door open. I jumped awake and then they came into my cell. I tried to get away from them but they still got to me and I was thrown into a different object. It was more of a tube and it started to get cold and colder. What are yo-you doing? I asked

Well I want you to be 100% in your new side, I as well want you to be my mate so I am freezing you till this is solved. Or till you finally give into being my mate that will make everything alot more easy for both of us. Burtholt said

S-screw y-you. I said shivering it got alot colder and I gotted sleepier soon I was asleep and I last saw crystals forming around me. I then was asleep

(Reiner's P. O. V)
I watched as Annie was frozen and we gave her a shot to make her heart beat every minute. We continue to work on the plan to get Eren and Ymir on board with us now. But as long as Annie refuses she will be in there even if it takes years. I thought

(Time Skip 3 Years)
(Armin's P. O. V)
The police never found Annie and everyone started ri move on but I couldn't I was supposed to help her. But I failed and now I can't help her she could be dead all I know. I even see Eren, Ymir, and Connie trying to help me. I only get to see Annie in my dreams and yet it makes me feel a little better but I am haunted by the fact she is gone. I push forward and act normal but I'm not I'm not okay with anything I miss her and I haven't been able to get proper sleep this year. Her family moved away to Hawaii without her and I thought that was rude. I have this feeling deep inside of me she will come back one day. But for now I put on a fake smile and continue putting on the I'm alright show for them. I thought

Hey Armin do you mind if we come over today? Mikasa asked

N-no it's fine you can it's nice to have company over once in a while. I say

Alright today if you don't mind. Mikasa said

Yeah that's fine. I say

(After School)

We were having the annual winter party and last years was at Sasha's so this time it's at mine. We started to play outside before it gotted late and it was a hide and seek. So Mikasa was seeking we have played like 2 rounds and once someone gives up the round is over. So I ran and like Levi on the school year I hid under a tree. I then did what Annie did and put the branch infront of the whole so no one sees. I was sitting for 20 minutes when I heard footsteps I saw a pair of boots walk. But stop I held my breath and they continued on their way man that was close. I thought then I heard someone yell


I waited till he walked past then I got out and met up with the group they were amazed that no one can ever find me.

Why are you so hard to find? Mikasa asked

Actually you almost got me. I said

Really where were you? She asked

I was somewhere in the woods on the inner layer. I said

Armin I don't go near the woods. Mikasa said

Well someone was close to me then. I said

Umm Armin they all hid in the barn or the house. Mikasa said

We all thought about if everyone was inside then who was out side? I got chills thinking about it.

Well it's your turn. Mikasa said

Fine. I say

I went to the wall and started to count to 30. 1...2...3...4...5 I heard their feet scatter to get away and go hiding. I was still counting when I heard someone was still looking for a hiding place. 28...29...30! READY OR NOT HERE I COME! I yelled I went looking around and I found Sasha, Connie, Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Marco, and Ymir I was missing Historia. She is the second best hider and I made them stay in the house so I know I ready found them. I am only allowed to take one set of eyes to help sence she was small. Now if I forfit the game first I lose but if Historia does then I win. I decided to take Mikasa because she can spot stuff really good. We decided to go outside and look around when suddenly Mikasa taps my shoulder. I look to see what she wanted and she was pointing at the barn. We saw in the second story front window there was a blonde figure. It must have been Historia she could have gotten up there with help from Ymir to get up there. We saw the figure stepped away from the window which means they saw us. So I made Mikasa run around back because she's fast. So we went running inside and up to the second floor quickly. Once we enter and searched I was about to open a cabinet till we heard.


No, it couldn't be? I thought

Mikasa and I looked at each other with big eye's and went over to the window sure enough. Historia came walking out of the house which then me and Mikasa races out of there. We ran straight to are group and the only thing we said to them was. Get inside now! Then rushed them into the house before explaining what had just happend.

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