Chapter 5 Invited

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(Annie's P. O. V)
I finally got my lunch and I took it it's been one week and I've avoided both Armin and Burtholt. I sat under a tree and I ate my lunch soon I was done and I had to return my book I borrowed from the library. I started walking to the library as I enter I see a big group of kids and amongst them was Armin. I quickly went to the librarian to return it but she wasn't at the desk well shit. I thought then I heard some one call for me I knew who it was, it was Armin.

Hey Annie. He said

I looked over to Armin, Hey Armin. I say

Well I am having a sleep over at my house and I wanted to know if you wanted to come? He said

I was shocked because I never get invited to any party or even a sleep over. I was about to turn him down and say no but something in his eyes couldn't bring myself to do so. Sure. I say

Great you can come over at 4 we are having hot dogs and some other stuff. He says

Alright. I say back

Oh, before I forget here is my address. He says writing it down onto a piece of paper.

Alright thanks so do you mind if I come a little late I got a few things I got to take care of. I say

Yeah it's alright. He says

Alright so I'll see you tonight then. I say

Alright bye Annie. He says walking away

I turn and gave back the book and I heard the bell ring and it was the last class of the day and it's Friday so I don't have to get up early in the morning. The best part is in 1 week is the start of winter break. I walked to Rose's school and picked her up she was annoying all the way home. I say my mom and dad were home hey mom can I ask you something? I say

Yes. She said

One of my friends are having a sleep over tonight and I was wondering if I could go. I say

Yes you can but your still grounded from the school indecent we have been thinking long and hard. Me and your father decided that your punishment is you can't come on the family vacation for winter. She says

W-what. I say

We're leaving tomorrow to catch are flight so we'll leave you a house key so you can get in and out. She says

Well it's not like there going to Hawaii I've asked to go there for years and they never allow us to go. I thought

Where are you going? I asked

Well Rose wants to go to Hawaii so were going there this year. She said

My heart dropped and my cold heart for my family had just gotten worse and they decided to take the pets with them. So I am going to be home alone in this house till they come back from the place I have been begging to go to for years. I walked up to my room not saying a word and grabbed a bag I packed some pajamas and extra cloths just in case. I put my tooth brush in my bag and a phone charger in it as well. I got a buzz from my phone I looked and saw it was just some random notification. I saw it was 3:00 I had to run into town and go to the gym for a little bit. I packed some of my gym stuff and then put on some shoes I walked down and my dad got back from work and hour ago after I got home. I walk past him raging and open the door before he could say a word I closed it. I grabbed my bike and hopped on it and began to ride away from my house. As I'm riding I put in one ear bud and listen to some music. I got to the gym and it was just me who was there it was empty.

I walked over to the punching bag in the far back and I wrapped my hand and then began to take my rage out on the bag

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I walked over to the punching bag in the far back and I wrapped my hand and then began to take my rage out on the bag. I was so mad I began to hit it and because I was alone I began to vent allowed. YOU FAVOR ROSE OVER YOUR OWN DAUGHTER, YOU FORGOT I HAVE FEELINGS, YOU HAVE BEEN BLINDED BY PEOPLE, YOU CAN'T EVEN STICK UP FOR YOUR OWN BLOOD! I yell and tears began to steam down my face. I SAID I WANT TO GO TO HAWAII AND YOU PROMISED WE WOULD GO, BUT YOU LIED! YOU LIED ABOUT EVERYTHING HOW I MEAN THE WORLD TO YOU! IF I DIED YOU WOULDN'T CARE YOU WOULD FORGET ABOUT ME! I cried harder and finally I punched the bag one last time getting all of my rage out and now it's just tears. I was so done but I'm not going to not before I have my first sleep over because that would be too pathetic. I looked at my hands even though I wrapped them up I cut through my wrappings. My knuckles were bleeding. I saw it was 4:30 so I got up and started to ride my bike over to Armin's house. It was quite aways from where I lived like it took me a half hour to get to his house. So when I arrived at his house my face looked better and it was now 5 so I am an hour late. Well I'll try to make new friends and even have a fun time if push comes to shove. I looked at the paper and then at the house number and yep this was the right house. I began to walk up to the door and then I knocked on it a s soon enough it open.

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