Chapter 43 Bad News Good News

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(Annie's P. O. V)
I was very hungry since I was eating for two now and I was very happy that Armin decided to take care of me. We had a small wedding before I could get any bigger. It was announced in the papers and everyone I worked with now congratulated me on are wedding. I was now on my 7 weeks vacation for are honey moon. We were on a coast of Hawaii to enjoy the the view of the ocean. I loved it so much and it is so fun I finally gotted to see the number one place I wanted to visit. It only ment I had to wait 25 years but it was worth it. Cause instead of going with my family I am with the number one man that I love. I woke up as we had gotten there so late at me night and I was able to step outside and see the sun rise over the ocean. A few seconds later I felt two arms snake around my waist and hug me from behind.

It looks so pretty with you. Armin said

I looked up and met eye contact with Armin and all he did was a gentle smile. I reached up and gave him a kiss this was a surprise honey moon trip for me. I had no idea where we were or where we were going but I realized it when I saw the tickets from the plain.

Thank you for bringing me to Hawaii how did you-

I remember a time when you were grounded from your family vacation and you stayed at my house most of the time. You mention to me so time back then that this was your number one place you would want to visit. Armin said

I turn around and gave him a full on hug and kissed him. You remembered all this time? I asked

Of course I would do anything for you. Armin replied

I know yoj would and that is why I love you so much. I say kissing him again

We had the whole day to are selves and not one thing went wrong and I enjoyed every minute with Armin.

(Time Skip 9 month's)
I was asleep in bed and then I felt a liquid substance in my dream not long I realized my water broke. I shot straight up in bed breathing heavy panting a little. I started to pat Armin to wake him up and he was a heavy sleeper now.

Hmm. He hummed

Armin bad news and good news. I say

What's the bad news? He grumbled

Bad news is my water broke. I say

What! He said jumping up and turning on the light

Good news the baby is coming. I say

Alright umm hospital yes, no, maybe? He asked

Oh yeah, definitely. I say

Alright I'll get the go bags and start the car. He said

I nodded my head and slowly got off the bed and went to the stairs and went down them. As Armin was running around like a crazy man I just causally went and sat in the car. When he was done he hopped into the car and we began to drive away. While we were driving Armin called up Eren to lock up are house because we were rushing to the hospital to have this child. We arrived in a half hour and we enter through the Emergency Entrance and I was rushed away. It was about 7 hours of agonising pain of contractions I threaten to kill Armin a few times. But all in all it was going well when the doctor finally decided that it was time to push.

Alright Annie we are ready to push. He said

I nodded my head and then began to push my hardest.

Alright I see the head give it one last good push. He said

I tighten my hands as Armin was there to support me and I gave it my all. AAAHHH!!! I screamed once it was done there was a cry and we never went to an ultrasound. So we didn't even know the gender of are new child we brought into the world. They checked the breathing and the eye's of the baby and wrapped the baby in a blanket. Then after all the checking they walked over with the child and gave the child over while saying.

Congratulations it's a baby boy. The nurse said

I smiled and Armin started to cry and I had thought of the perfect name for him.

Do you have a name yet? She asked

How about the name Alex? I said to Armin

I love it. He said

Alright Alex Eren Alert. I say

Hehe I love it even more and Eren is going to be more excited now once he finds out. Armin said

We were sent to a recovery room and all of are friends came in and awwed the baby.

So what you name the squirt? Jean asked

Well his middle name was after his god father. Armin said

Oh and who is that? Jean asked

His name is Alex Eren Alert. I say looking over to Eren, he looked shocked.

Trust me the middle name didn't come from me it was Annie's idea. Armin said

Eren was shocked and he came over and gave me a hug and then Armin and they all congratulated us. Eren and Mikasa were the first pair to hold the baby and then Connie and Sasha we choose Sasha as the god mom got my behalf of the family. Armin's grandma came in and congratulated us for are new family we are about to begin on the adventure. She was always so nice and has taken care if us for a while before I got a jump start on my career. Now we'll be able to pay her back eventually but for now her seeing her grandson is enough payment.

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