Chapter 1

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Alright well everyone sees happiness at some point but I never knew that my Happiness would come later down the line I could never see the Happiness I Never Knew I Could Have. I say

Wait I'm getting way ahead of myself ler me backtrack to the very begining

(Annie's P. O. V)
Mommy gotted remarried to a man who is my new daddy he's fun and always their for me. But I couldn't ask for anything else for a family but one day I was coming down stairs and they were talking. When I enter the room mommy told me I was going to get a surprise. I wanted to know what but she gave me a shirt and put it on me it said two words. (Big Sister) At the time I didn't get it but then when the months went on and I was getting less attention from them. I would get bullied at school by a girl older then me and tell mommy or daddy but they never listen to me. The last greatest memory I got from them was when dad took me to the basement and gave me some defence lessons. That was the last time I was listen too then a few more months pasted and I was in the hospital. My mom and dad was in a room and they were just trying to do something. But when 4 hours pasted by I was finally able to see what happen. I saw mom was holding a new born baby which looked ugly and all I could think of is how this little thing is going to ruin my life. Mom paid more attention to the baby and so did daddy so I went on living life by my self. At one point in time I didn't talk to them for a whole month and they didn't realize it. But I learn how to move on with out them and it gotted to the point where they forgot to feed me one night. This little brat of a baby is going to ruin my life and she's only a few months old. I don't want her in my house or even with my family. But I can't judge too quickly so I'll wait till she's a little older to see how she actually is besides a boring baby. Maybe she'll actually be a cool sister one day but for now she's a lame baby. To be honest though I may not seemed like it at first but I was excited at first but not any more. I thought I tucked myself into bed and turn off the light's night after night. My parents became more tired and actually ignored me for a year till one day I popped up in their heads again. They even skipped my birthday now I'm actually really really mad at that brat. I thought I can't wait to see what the future had in store for me if it's going to go down this road.

(Sorry for the short chapter I accidentally deleted my first chapter and couldn't remember it so here it is the rest of the book is better I do updates. Let me know in the comment on what you think of it though.)

Happiness I Never Knew I Could HaveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang