Chapter 30 The Case

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(Time Skip 5 years)
(Annie's P. O. V)
I was able to avoid Burtholt and Reiner for 5 years I graduated High School and went to college at the best I could get into. I became a lawyer and I changed my name for the time being for safety reasons. I changed my name to Anna so I can survive this world they live in and no war had came yet. I was in my office when I saw a paper that I came across it was a man who claims to be frame for a murder. As I read the paper it seem like he killed them and people say he's insane and did a random killing.

Hey Anna did you see the paper's I gave you? Carl said

Yeah. I say

Which one are you doing then? Carl asked

The murder one with the man who seems insane. I say

Your kidding right? He said

Nope I'm going to go meet him right now. I say

I walked pass my boss and made a call to the jail center to meet this man who he said he's falsely accused of murder. He decided to meet me and I showed up and went to a booth and met up with him. I waited till them man I think who I was talking to popped into my booth and picked up the phone.

Are you the lawyer? He asked

Yes my name is Anna we talked onto the phone. I said

If your one of those lawyers who turn around and stab me in the back you can just leave. He says

No I can a sure you I am not here to do that, I do have one question for you though. I say

What? He said

If you say you were framed then who did the murder so I get an idea about the case. I say

I knew them in high school in fresh man through the day I graduated they wanted me to join them but me and my friends refused to. He gotted mad because I am the leader of my group and when I said no they said no. He explained

What were their names? I asked

Reiner and Burtholt. He said

My eye's went wide for a second as I know exactly who they are.

So Reiner and Burtholt framed you so they could get your group to follow them? I say

Yes. He said

Alright and what other reason like do you have a family? I asked

Yes I have twins a girl and boy named Emily and Mika. He said

Alright I'm not asking for money or anything I just want the truth so where is your family? I asked

They live with my mom so she can get help to raise the kids she only knows of my arrest so please fill her in. He said

Alright thank you for your time Mr.?

Jeager, Eren Jeager. Eren said

Alright I'll call you once I get this to your wife. I say

I them left and proceed to his family who lives in Germany now so I bought a ticket and flew there. I found his mom's house and walked up and knocked on the door. When it open I saw the resemblance of Eren in his mom.

Yes how can I help you? She asked

Oh uhh I am here to talk about Eren Jeager your son. I say

What about him? She asked

You are aware of what's happening right? I say

No what happen? She asked

Who's at the door? Another woman asked

This is Anna she says she's Eren's lawyer. Carla said

What? Mikasa said

Are any of you aware Eren Jeager has been arrested? I say

I am but I thought he would be out by now. The girl said

We need to talk then. I say

They allowed me to come in and sit and I saw worry on there faces for Eren and what's happened.

Where is Eren? Carla asked

First things first who are you? I asked pointing to the black hair girl

My name is Mikasa Jeager I am Eren's wife. Mikasa said

Alright Eren was arrested on October 5 and today is the 8 so I cought it really early. But Eren is accused of murder to a family and will be on court September 28 of next year. If not presented right Eren can spend 15 years or life time in prision. I say

What!? They both yelled in concern

It is very critical that we get ahead because to be honest are laws have flaws. If there is someone on the court who had to get paid they'll use them to automatically sentence Eren to life. I say

With that we moved quickly so that Reiner and Burtholt don't pay someone on the Jury to say that he is guilty. So I want to know who is Eren Jeager. I say

What do you mean who is he you know he's a good man. Mikasa said

Know I don't know Eren Jeager all I know is he's convicted of a murder and should be put in Prision forever. I say

What? Carla said

I am the Jury that is all I know. I say

Oh okay well where would I start then? Mikasa asked

From the beginning when you first met Eren. I say

Alright well...

Mikasa started telling me her story and how she met Eren I took detail notes to counter the bad part of Eren that will be brought up. This is going to be a long year to collect data for Eren to win.

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